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Academic buttons

Large silver buttons and velvet cuffs are a symbol of academic distinction at Christ’s Hospital. ‘Academic buttons’ are awarded to Grecians (Year 13s), who have demonstrated exceptional academic performance in multiple subjects. The buttons depict the head of King Edward VI, the school’s founder. This year’s recipients of the academic buttons (pictured) have exciting future plans and are in the process of receiving offers from some of the country’s top universities to study subjects ranging from architecture, medicine, music and classics to PPE, biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering, natu…

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Careers Networking Event – 2019

On Tuesday 21st May, a special careers’ networking event was held at Christ’s Hospital School, giving students from CH and Roedean School a unique opportunity to make valuable connecti…

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Speech Day 2019

Speech Day is a long-standing tradition at Christ’s Hospital and has been held in the Summer term since 1871; this year’s Speech Day was held on Saturday 25 May and the School welcomed the Lord Ma…

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Junior Music Scholars’ Recital

The Hertford Centre became, for the first time, a concert venue for the Junior Music Scholars’ Recital. This is one of my favourite concerts in the annual cycle: a chance for our youngest musicians …

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Visit to Creative Assembly

Last Wednesday, a group of 10 Deputy Grecians (Year 12s) visited the offices and studio of local video game company, Creative Assembly, in Horsham. Creative Assembly are an award-winning video game s…

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Sheriff’s Challenge 2019

Christ’s Hospital was one of a select number of schools to be invited to participate in the 2019 Sheriffs’ Challenge, an inter-school, two-round competition. Participating schools were asked to co…

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CCF Visit from Brigadier Mark Christie

On Thursday 25 April 2019, Christ’s Hospital’s was lucky enough to receive a visit from Brigadier Mark Christie, Deputy Commander, Cadets, Regional Command. He attended a buffet lunch with staff …

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Connie picks up silver medal at Music and Arts Festival

Last weekend Constance (GE/Year 11) took part in the highly competitive East Grinstead Music and Arts Festival.  With her recitation of Eric Finney’s ‘Finding Magic’, Constance received 2nd pla…

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Drama Scholars’ Performance

To kick start the Summer Term, Drama Teacher Caroline Kelley directed the CH Drama scholars in a brilliant evening of theatre and song to celebrate the work of playwright Willy Russell.  The evening …

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House Speech and Drama 2019

At the end of the Lent Term, the House Speech and Drama competition took place in the Christ’s Hospital theatre under the adjudication of Director of Drama from ‘The Worth School’, Natalie Lynch…

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British Biology Olympiad 2019

Well done to all of the pupils who took part in the British Biology Olympiad on Monday 4th Feb. The British Biology Olympiad is a national competition run by the Royal Society of Biology….

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Theatre Design Seminar

On Friday 3 May, GCSE Drama pupils were treated to a fantastic Theatre Design Seminar with two Old Blues currently working in the business. Georgia Koronka (Thorn B, Gr W 09-16) and Phil Glenny (Peele…

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Kitcher Society, 7 May 2019: What is good education?

A panel comprising Mrs. Fleming, Mr. Perriss, and Mr. Hatton, and chaired by Mr Stannard, discussed the nature of good education, concurring that education’s main purpose is to develop the individual,…

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