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Last year, Head of Physics, Craig Donohue, started a Science Journal, compiled by the pupils.
The articles are written specially for the journal, and all the editing, formatting, and design of the journal is done by the pupils. The whole School has been invited to get involved by writing articles and although most submissions have so far come from senior pupils, there is a regular junior contributor –
Arthur, now in Third Form – who has written, as a Second Former (Year 7), for both issues on advanced Physics topics!
Each issue is focused around a different area of science, although all issues contain a variety of different subjects. Issue 1 was physics/engineering focused, Issue 2 was medicine/biomed and the upcoming issue (to be released in the second half of the Michaelmas term) will be technology and maths focused, with a special feature on women in tech and maths.
The journal can be accessed by clicking the below link and is a genuinely engaging and informative read – well done to everyone involved!