Wednesday 21st Feb 2024

German Song Masterclass




Just before half term, we welcomed tenor Phillip Brown to give a masterclass in German song to some of our senior singers.

An experienced performer in this genre himself, Phillip is a singing teacher and is currently performing at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. The students learnt invaluable skills in language and musical interpretation and should be commended for courageously doing so in front of an audience! The videos show Alexander (DG/Year 12) performing extracts from Schubert’s song cycle ‘Wintereisse’, Alice (UF/Year 10) performing the song ‘Seligkeit’, also by Schubert, and Oscar (GR/Year 13), performing an aria from Bach’s ‘St Matthew Passion’.

Our students are currently preparing to perform an array of songs in foreign languages at the ‘Liederabend’ (Song Evening) concert on Friday 1 March.