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“I went to primary school in Peckham in south-east London. I remember the first time I heard about Christ’s Hospital. I was at a Christmas party organised by the church-based football team I played for. My mum spoke to the Headmaster of the primary school about my education. He thought CH would benefit me, so we talked about it and I was very excited.
My mum says that I wanted to be Prime Minister when I was little! I have a clearer view of my ambitions now, but certainly a lot of things interested me, so the idea of going to CH really appealed to me. I still remember walking into this huge, grandiose school, seeing the Band performing the Wellington March and thinking it was amazing!
It’s always nice to go back home to London during the holidays, but usually towards the end of the break, I miss the business of School. There is so much to do here, so you start to miss your friends, the buildings and the atmosphere.
As I’ve grown older, I’ve come to appreciate that it’s very different to other private schools. CH is unique. There’s no elitism and you meet different kinds of people and experience cultures from around the world. It’s refreshing in that way.
During my seven years at the School, I’ve enjoyed playing football, cricket, squash and athletics. I joined the Band too, playing the trumpet, and have sung in several choirs including SCOLA and occasionally the gospel choir. Music has allowed me to be a part of incredible events like the Lord Mayor’s Show and St Matthew’s Day in London. These are days you’re never going to experience again, so the Band has been an important part of the CH experience for me.
I served as Second Monitor in my Grecian year, which is a supporting role for the Senior Grecian. It has been an honour to fulfil the role and represent the School at prestigious events I wouldn’t otherwise have had the chance to attend. It has been an interesting learning experience, giving me an understanding of leadership and how to manage yourself and others.
My hope is to study Computer Sciences at Sheffield. I’ve seen how technology can have a positive impact on areas like agriculture and architecture and that interests me. It’s a versatile field so I’d like to see where that road takes me. As for political ambitions, I would like to have a positive impact on this country or the world, but as to how I achieve that, we’ll see.”