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Congratulations to Edem Tepre (PeA, GrW 17-24) on being awarded a prestigious scholarship from the Lord Kitchener National Memorial Fund.
This highly competitive scholarship is granted to only around 25 students each year by the Council of the Lord Kitchener National Memorial Fund and is reserved for the children of serving or retired armed forces personnel. The sixth form team at Christ’s Hospital identified this opportunity for Edem, who will receive funding to pursue a degree in Computer Engineering at university.
Edem said: ‘Discovering this scholarship opportunity through the help of the sixth form team at CH shows how invested the teachers really are about the next steps beyond CH and into university. I feel very proud of receiving this scholarship, not only as it provides substantial funding for my university degree, but it also opens up networking opportunities that will aid me beyond my course.’
We are incredibly proud of Edem’s achievement and wish him every success in this exciting new chapter of his life!
Photo: Edem in his final year at CH
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