Monday 30th Sep 2024

Visiting Speaker: Yomi Sode




On 26 September, critically acclaimed British-Nigerian poet Yomi Sode came to CH to give a poetry performance to Deps and Grecians (Year 12 and 13).

Yomi’s lively and affable personality radiated throughout his performance, during which he used the whole stage and performed his poems in a conversational manner, with various added anecdotes. Twice, Yomi spontaneously invited a student to join him on stage and share their own writing or improvisation, something that was received with genuine enthusiasm by the audience.

After the performance everyone flocked to him to get their books signed, take photos and engage in further conversation.

Allegra (DG/Year 12) said: ‘Yomi Sode’s visit particularly resonated with us not just because of his stage presence, but because of the content of his poetry, which focuses on different experiences of upbringing, loss and the struggles of being black. Yomi showed skill as a performer, poet and networker, garnering students’ respect and fostering a real sense of kinship with us.’

Some of Yomi’s highlights include performing at Wireless Festival, Latitude, New York Public Library, Sadler’s Wells Theatre, as well as working with Channel 4, BBC Radio 1xtra, Southbank Centre, The National Gallery and the Louvre.