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Senior students from Leigh Hunt B spent the weekend of 26 and 27 April camping to raise money towards building a girls’ boarding house in Zimbabwe.
They slept in tents outside (on CH ground), with no access to their boarding houses, while continuing to appear on schedule, perfectly dressed for the school day and all its functions, including lessons, matches and chapel. They did this in order to imitate the life of student boarders at Kafusi High School in Zimbabwe, which has boarders but no boarding house. Pupils ‘bush-board’ in a variety of locations, often putting themselves in vulnerable situations as a result.
The CH girls remained remarkably cheerful despite the dreadful weather and have now raised over £3,500 – an incredible effort!
There is a long-term informal link between CH and Kafusi High School and CH has been raising funds for several years for different projects in Kafusi. The most recent of these is to buy materials for the villagers to complete the building of a girls’ hostel, and this is what the girls’ sponsored camp is in aid of. If you would like to find out more about the Kafusi Project or make a donation, please follow the below link: