

Christ’s Hospital is committed to providing a first class education to talented boys and girls from all backgrounds by offering eligible parents/guardians means-tested financial support with the payment of school fees. Such support is known as a bursary.

Christ’s Hospital is the UK’s leading charitable school and the country’s most generous bursary charity. Christ’s Hospital provides more free or reduced cost places to its students each year than any other independent school in the UK. For further information and examples of our fee assisted places, please request a prospectus.

The full fee rates (including VAT) effective from 1 January 2025 for the academic year 2024-25:

  • Boarding  Years 7-8: £14,669 per term / Years 9-13: £15,695 per term
  • Day           Years 7-8: £7,581 / Year 9: £9,545 / Years 10-13: £10,212 per term

Reduced fees and free places are only available for boarding places. If you apply for a fee assisted place you will be assessed according to your means.

Families on very low incomes may also be assisted with the cost of pocket money, House Funds, travel costs and sports wear.

  • 11% of CH students receive a fully supported bursary place
  • 77% of CH students receive some level of bursary support
  • 21% of CH students pay full fees
  • The total bursary (fee assisted) support provided by Christ’s Hospital each year is over £23 m
  • Christ’s Hospital provides 10% of all 100%+ means-tested bursaries provided by Independent Schools in the UK

For FCO and Service families who do not qualify for one of our means-tested bursaries we are able to offer a discount of 10% on full boarding fees.

Scholarships and Head’s Award

Scholarships are awarded for academic excellence and for outstanding ability in music, art, drama and sport. The awards are offered to existing students as well as those entering the school at 11+, 13+ and Sixth Form.

The Head Teacher has a discretionary award for all-round academic and broader curricular achievement and/or significant potential. This is awarded at the end of the assessment process, can be honorary or financial and can be awarded to either a boarding student or a day student.

Bursaries and Scholarships

Registration Fee and Deposit

There is a non-refundable registration fee of £120 (inc. VAT) payable with the registration form for both day and boarding places and a deposit of up to £1700 (reduced for those receiving a bursary), payable on successful completion of the assessments and refundable against the final bill after leaving Christ’s Hospital. If the applicant is in receipt of free school meals, we will be pleased to waive your registration fee.

If, having accepted a place, you withdraw your child before entry, you will become liable to pay a term’s fee in lieu of notice.

Payment of Fees

Invoices are raised termly in advance and can be paid termly or by 10 monthly instalments.

Fee rates are reviewed annually.

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Bursaries and Scholarships

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Order our prospectus

Our School Prospectus provides an introduction to life at Christ’s Hospital. You can request a printed copy which includes an application form by completing the form and/or you can download a pdf of the prospectus.