Contact us

How to contact us and how to find us. Check which phone number you need and which email address is the right one for you to use when contacting us.

General enquiries

Tel: 01403 211293

Fax: 01403 211580


How to find us

Christ’s Hospital
West Sussex
RH13 0LJ


Tel: 01403 246555


Development Office

Tel: 01403 247588


The Christ’s Hospital Museum / Heritage

Tel: 01403 247444


The Christ’s Hospital Old Blues’ Association

Tel: 01403 247619


The CHOBA website can be found at

Marketing Enquiries

Tel: 01403 247424


Press Enquiries

Tel: 01403 247424


Personal data or Subject Access Request

If you have any queries about how we process personal data or wish to submit a Subject Access Request, email:




Theatre Box Office

Tel: 01403 247434

Open: Monday to Friday, 9.30 am – 12.00 noon (term time only) and half an hour before performances


Bluecoats Sports Centre

Tel: 01403 247572

Treasurer and Chair of Council

Christopher Steane, The Counting House, Christ’s Hospital, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 OYP

Tel: 01403 247405

Complaints / Contact Us

We deal with formal complaints in accordance with our Complaint’s Policy.  Information as to how many complaints have been registered under the formal complaint procedure for the previous academic year 2023/2024 was one.

Christ’s Hospital is an inclusive community that actively promotes equal opportunities for all pupils and staff regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic background, disability or any other protected characteristic. Christ’s Hospital welcomes and promotes the diversity of its pupils and staff. The wide range of cultural, racial, socio-economic and religious backgrounds enriches the School community and helps to promote tolerance of others and their beliefs. The successful promotion and implementation of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy requires clear understanding and commitment throughout the School. All staff and pupils have a responsibility to promote good practice with regard to the aims above and conduct themselves accordingly.