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School news
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Featured news
Academic buttons
Large silver buttons and velvet cuffs are a symbol of academic distinction at Christ’s Hospital. ‘Academic buttons’ are awarded to Grecians (Year 13s), who have demonstrated exceptional academic performance in multiple subjects. The buttons depict the head of King Edward VI, the school’s founder. This year’s recipients of the academic buttons (pictured) have exciting future plans and are in the process of receiving offers from some of the country’s top universities to study subjects ranging from architecture, medicine, music and classics to PPE, biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering, natu…
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Academic buttons
Large silver buttons and velvet cuffs are a symbol of academic distinction at Christ’s Hospital. ‘Academic buttons’ are awarded to Grecians (Year 13s), who have demon…
Careers Author Talk
On 30 January, Old Blue and local author Rosie Talbot came to deliver a talk and writing workshop to both our junior and senior students.
Oxbridge success!
We are delighted to announce that Christ’s Hospital students have enjoyed great success in their applications to Oxford and Cambridge universities, with ten students receivi…
Chinese New Year
Our entire school community came together to celebrate Lunar New Year on 25 January. Students and staff alike embraced the festivities, sharing traditions, enjoying deli…
The Band at Amex Stadium
On Saturday 25 January, the Christ’s Hospital Band was very honoured to perform at the Amex Stadium for the Brighton versus Everton match.
Gospel Choir Workshop
We were delighted to welcome Keynotes Choir for the third year in a row to run a workshop with our Gospel Choir. Keynotes…
DT Trip to the Tim Burton Exhibition
Design Technology students from the DG (Year 12) went on an inspirational trip to The Design Museum to see the Tim Burton Exhibition on 21 January. …
Ella Al-Shamahi Lecture on the Neanderthals
On 17 January, the renowned explorer, paleoanthropologist, BBC presenter and stand-up comic, Ella Al-Shamahi, came to speak to students about the Neanderthals.
Tony Ray-Jones Photography Competition 2024
This year’s theme, Into the Wild!, took inspiration from our guest judges, Olly & Suzi. They are collaborat…
Newsletter Out Now – Michaelmas 2024
Our latest newsletter, packed with highlights from Michaelmas term, is available to read here:
CH in ‘Independent Schools of the Year – Winners’ Edition’
Christ’s Hospital features in Independent Schools of the Year – Winners’ Edition magazine with two articles: one about CH winning the overall award for Independent Sc…
Academic buttons
Large silver buttons and velvet cuffs are a symbol of academic distinction at Christ’s Hospital. ‘Academic buttons’ are awarded to Grecians (Year 13s), who have demon…
Careers Author Talk
On 30 January, Old Blue and local author Rosie Talbot came to deliver a talk and writing workshop to both our junior and senior students.
Oxbridge success!
We are delighted to announce that Christ’s Hospital students have enjoyed great success in their applications to Oxford and Cambridge universities, with ten students receivi…
Chinese New Year
Our entire school community came together to celebrate Lunar New Year on 25 January. Students and staff alike embraced the festivities, sharing traditions, enjoying deli…
The Band at Amex Stadium
On Saturday 25 January, the Christ’s Hospital Band was very honoured to perform at the Amex Stadium for the Brighton versus Everton match.
Gospel Choir Workshop
We were delighted to welcome Keynotes Choir for the third year in a row to run a workshop with our Gospel Choir. Keynotes…
DT Trip to the Tim Burton Exhibition
Design Technology students from the DG (Year 12) went on an inspirational trip to The Design Museum to see the Tim Burton Exhibition on 21 January. …
Ella Al-Shamahi Lecture on the Neanderthals
On 17 January, the renowned explorer, paleoanthropologist, BBC presenter and stand-up comic, Ella Al-Shamahi, came to speak to students about the Neanderthals.
Tony Ray-Jones Photography Competition 2024
This year’s theme, Into the Wild!, took inspiration from our guest judges, Olly & Suzi. They are collaborat…
Newsletter Out Now – Michaelmas 2024
Our latest newsletter, packed with highlights from Michaelmas term, is available to read here:
CH in ‘Independent Schools of the Year – Winners’ Edition’
Christ’s Hospital features in Independent Schools of the Year – Winners’ Edition magazine with two articles: one about CH winning the overall award for Independent Sc…
Christmas Fair
The Christmas Fair took place on 8 December in a festively decorated Big School. It was two hours of fun, music and wonderful stalls selling things such as homemade Christmas …
Les Misérables – magnifique!
Following our triumphant drama and music production of Les Misérables, we were delighted to receive the below glowing review from a NSTA (National School Theatre Awa…
Social Mobility List
The Social Mobility List, in partnership with bp, is a ground-breaking new publication from Making The Leap, focused on highlighting the key contributors an…
Christ’s Hospital in The Times
Christ’s Hospital topped a list of 200 independent schools for its bursary and scholarship provision, awarding on average £25,900 a student — almost twice as much as the …
CH Students Meet Prime Minister
Our Senior Grecian and Second Monitor met Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer on 2 December at the Lord Mayor’s Banquet at Guildhall.
Les Misérables
We are extremely proud to be staging the inimitable musical Les Misérables between 5 and 7 December! Involving over 100 …
Tiled mural created by Third Form students
Last summer term, Third Form (Year 8) art students created a ceramic tiled mural, with students designing, engraving and glazing a tile each. Taking inspiration from the Royal…
Arkwright Engineering Scholarship
DG (Year 12) student Hetty has been awarded a prestigious Arkwright Engineering Scholarship, which she applied for with the help of her DT teacher. …
Gospel Choir Performs at Royal Albert Hall
Following on from its success at the Music for Youth National Festival in July, the Christ’s Hospital Gospel Choir was invited to perform at the Music for Youth Proms at the…
Author Visit
On 21 November, the award-winning author Caroline Lawrence, best known for The Roman Mysteries series of historical novels for children, visited Christ’s Hospital.
History Trip
On 18 November, LE (Year 9) historians visited the Imperial War Museum in London to explore experiences from the First World War.
Philosophy Talk
On 12 October, Dr Lee gave an intriguing talk for the Kitcher Society on The Paradox of Horror, discussing why people pursue experiences that evoke fear and discomfor…
Lord Mayor’s Show 2024
The Christ’s Hospital Band marched in the Lord Mayor’s Show on 9 November again this year, reaffirming the school’s historic connections with the City of London. The mus…
Remembrance Sunday
Christ’s Hospital marked Remembrance Sunday again this year on 10 November with an atmospheric chapel service and ceremony.
Careers in medicine talk
On 17 October, we were joined by Bonnie Tse and her ambassador dog Arthur, to talk to our senior students about a career in medicine. Bonnie is a retired GP who now works with…
Classics and philosophy trip to Athens
Written by DG (Year 12) student Freya: During the half term, classics and philosophy students embarked upon an u…
Celebrating independent and state school partnerships
Christ’s Hospital was highlighted in a House of Lords event celebrating thousands of successful collaborative projects taking place between state and indepe…
Christ’s Hospital Hosts Performing Arts Day
On 6 November, Christ’s Hospital was proud to hold its Performing Arts Day, specifically designed for year 5 primary school children. The event aimed to provide young studen…
Apprenticeship Insight Afternoon
On 25 October, a group of our DG (Year 12) students had the exciting opportunity to attend an Apprenticeship Insight Afternoon at Goldman Sachs in London.
Christ’s Hospital Chef Claims Gold
A Christ’s Hospital chef has been named Young Chef of the Year in the annual Compass Chef of the Year competition. Representing Chartwells Independent, Euan Moss competed in…
The Blue 2023/24 – a fascinating review of the school year
The Blue encapsulates a year in the life of Christ’s Hospital: a review largely from the students’ perspective. For current students, parents, Old Blues, staff and every o…
Women in Philosophy Talk
Earlier this term, Dr West delivered an engaging talk to philosophy students titled Thinking as Human Beings – Women and the Story of 20th Century Philosophy.
Geography Trip to Iceland
During October half term, geography students went on an unforgettable five-day trip to Iceland, where they had the most amazing experiences on offer, thanks to a carefully tho…
Food and Nutrition Trip to Italy
During half term, the Food and Nutrition Department took students on a hugely enjoyable gastronomic trip to Naples in Italy. …
Former Senior Grecian Returns to Inspire
On 11 October, former Senior Grecian (2003-4) Tracey Abayeta returned to CH to launch …
Christ’s Hospital Named Independent School of the Year 2024
Christ’s Hospital has been awarded the prestigious title of Independent School of the Year 2024 by Independent School Parent …
Christ’s Hospital Hosts Royal Guests for Special Service at St Paul’s Cathedral
On Friday 4 October, Christ’s Hospital held a special service at St Paul’s Cathedral to celebrate St Matthew’s Day and the school’s historic connection with the City of Lo…
Visiting Speaker: Yomi Sode
On 26 September, critically acclaimed British-Nigerian poet Yomi Sode came to CH to give a poetry performance to Deps and Grecians (Year 12 and 13). …
Old Blue Biochemist Donates ‘Single Pea’ Sculpture
On 19 September, we received a visit from Old Blue Nigel Fleming to donate and install a beautiful alabaster sculpture of a single pea which he has sculpted.
Amelie Shines in National Youth Music Theatre Shows
Talented Christ’s Hospital student, Amelie (DG/Year 12), has recently starred in not one, but two National Youth Music Theatre shows, having been offered a place in the NYMT…
Dyson Workshop Inspires Engineering Enthusiasm
Three engineers from the James Dyson Foundation visited Christ’s Hospital on 17 September to introduce our students to the exciting world of engineering with two separate wo…
Life, death and grief lecture – September 2024
On 5 September we welcomed back Louise Winter, funeral director and author. Louise is the founder of Life, Death Whatever, a festival and community allowing people to spe…
Rugby Preseason
Rugby preseason went very well this year; the boys worked hard but also had a lot of fun, which helped to strengthen the squad’s bond.
Hockey Preseason
First team captain, Judith, writes: Preseason was an intense and exciting series of training sessions. It allowed the squa…
Independent School of the Year Finalist
Following our earlier announcement, we are delighted to announce that Christ’s Hospital has been selected as a finalist in the Performing Arts category of the Independent Scho…
Summer Newsletter
The latest newsletter is out now, with news and highlights from the summer term. Read it here: …
Christ’s Hospital named finalist in the 2024 UK Social Mobility Awards
Christ’s Hospital has been named a finalist in the School/College of the Year category at the eighth annual UK So…
Careers Conference
The Careers’ Department ran the annual GE careers keynote and speed-dating event on 25 June. We were pleased to welcome …
CH Shortlisted for Performing Arts Award
We are delighted to announce that Christ’s Hospital has been shortlisted for an Independent Schools of the Year award for Performing Arts!
Beating Retreat 2024
The summer term ended with our traditional Leaving Service and Beating Retreat ceremony. Every year, during the Leav…
McLaren F1 STEM Workshop
On 18 June, two STEM ambassadors from McLaren F1 came to Christ’s Hospital to run a STEM workshop, giving a valuable insight into the motorsport and engineering industry, in…
Corpus Christi Day
On 30 May, several of our students and parents travelled up to London to attend the Skinners’ Company Corpus Christi Day.
Care Home Visit
Last week, a group of UF/Year 10 students visited two local care homes and represented the school beautifully by spending time with the elderly residents.
Student Voice Awards 2024
We are delighted to announce that four Christ’s Hospital students – Vieran, Zaphaneth, Harvey and Tai’bat – have …
Linda Blakely Inspires Students with her Remarkable Solo Atlantic Row
On 6 June, we were delighted to welcome back our Ambassador of Expeditionary Education, Linda Blakely, to inspire our students with an account of her recent solo row across th…
CH Student Performs at Hay Festival
On 30 May, Israel (UF/Year 10) performed his own poem at the Hay Festival in Haye-on-Wye in Wales, an annual literature festival. His poem was published in Barnardo’s ‘10,000 Voices’, an antholo…
Elizabeth Tucker, former Head Mistress
Following a downturn in her health in January, Elizabeth Tucker died on Saturday 18 May. Miss Tucker was Head Mistress of CH Hertford from 1972 to 1982 and remained closely in…
Speech Day 2024
On Saturday 25 May, as is tradition, the school welcomed The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of the City of London, Michael Mainelli, and the Mayoral Party for this year’s S…
Visiting Speaker: Ronnie Archer-Morgan
The last in our series of Ridley Lectures this year was delivered by Ronnie Archer-Morgan of Antiques Roadshow fame. Ronnie spoke about his extraordinary life, from…
Royal Patronage Continues at Christ’s Hospital
King Charles III maintains Royal Patronage to the UK’s leading charitable school. We are proud to announce that His Maje…
History and Empire Lecture
On 9 May, we welcomed British journalist and bestselling author Sathnam Sanghera, who spoke to senior students on the subject …
An Evening with an Apprentice
Review by Sapphire (GR/Year 13) On 30 April, a group of aspiring and inquisitive senior students interested in degree appr…
Chineke Junior Orchestra Course
We are delighted to announce that one of our talented students, Joanah (DG/Year 12), has been offered a place on the Chineke! Junior Orchestra residential course this summer.
Chemistry Olympiad
Earlier this year, senior students from GR (Year 13), DG (Year 12) and even two from GE (Year 11), take part in the UK Chemistry Olympiad organised by the Royal Society of Che…
Cricket News
Following a winter of hard work and dedicated practice, the CH cricketers were champing at the bit to get outside and hone their skills in preparation for the first competitiv…
Law Workshop – 2024
On 29 April, the Careers’ Department ran a law skills workshop with barrister Tommy Seagull for any UF (Year 10), GE (Year 11) or Sixth Form students interested in law or de…
Camping for Kafusi
Senior students from Leigh Hunt B spent the weekend of 26 and 27 April camping to raise money towards building a girls’ b…
History of Art Visit to RA
On 24 April, a group of DG/Year 12 history of art students travelled to the Royal Academy of Arts in London to see a special exhibition entitled ‘Entangled Pasts, 1768–now…
CCF Annual Dinner
The CCF held its annual dinner night and award ceremony on Saturday 20 April. This formal event is planned by the senior cadets and is a celebration of their achievements. Att…
Special Film Screening
On 22 April students in UF (Year 10) were treated to a special screening of the documentary feature film Name me Lawand, introduced by the director Ed Lovelace. …
Laura Bates on Everyday Sexism
On 18 April acclaimed author and activist Laura Bates returned to CH to deliver a lecture on Everyday Sexism and Fighting Back.
CCF Easter Camp
In the first week of the Easter holidays, members of the CCF contingent took part in a six-day-long military training camp, based at Brunswick Camp in Pirbright.
Mandarin Trip to Taiwan
Mandarin students enjoyed an incredible school trip to Taiwan during the Easter holidays, which offered them a fantastic opportunity to immerse themselves in a vibrant and div…
Newsletter Out Now
Our latest newsletter is out now, with a round-up of the term’s highlights! Click the link below to read it:
Haileybury MUN Conference
Over the weekend of 15 to 17 March, 16 senior students travelled to Haileybury College for the biggest annual MUN conference in the UK.
Angus Ross Concert
The final ‘big ticket’ event of the term was the Angus Ross Memorial Concert, which sees Grecians (Year 13s) perform concerto movements with the Symphony Orchestra in the …
Law Debate – March 2024
The annual CH Law Debate took place on 15 March; two teams debated the motion: ‘This House would force all criminals to attend their sentencing hearing’.
Culture Shock
Culture Shock is an event that the school holds annually and is organised by the African Caribbean Society, with support from other inclusion groups. The event is a celebratio…
Kitcher Society Lecture
For the last Kitcher Society meeting of the year, we were very lucky to see the return of the much beloved Fr Hux to the school after his departure to Gloucester Cathedral. Gi…
Lecture: Shakespeare and Race
On 4 March, Director of Education at Shakespeare’s Globe, Professor Farah Karim-Cooper, gave a lecture on Shakespeare, race, and the history of the Globe Theatre.
British Science Week Event
The Lord Mayor invited 15 students from the Royal Mathematical School at Christ’s Hospital to a prestigious event at 22 Bishopsgate on 15 March to celebrate British Science …
Celebrating Mathematics with Bobby Seagull
Mathematician extraordinaire, Bobby Seagull, paid a visit to our school on 6 March to give an inspiring talk to the whole school. The event not only marked the 350th anniversa…
National Youth Music Theatre Success
Christ’s Hospital is proud to announce that three of our talented students, Rose (Year 9), Amelie (Year 11), and Omowumi (Year 13), have been offered coveted places with the 2…
English Chamber Orchestra Workshop
Our professional ensemble in partnership, the English Chamber Orchestra, visited CH for an afternoon of masterclasses and side-by-side rehearsal in preparation for the upcomin…
Band Concert
We were delighted to be joined by the Band of the Royal Marines School of Music for a joint concert on 25 February. The w…
Law Summer School Placements
For the third year running, we have offered DG (Year 12) students the opportunity to apply for a law summer school placement with Debate Chamber, fully funded by the school’…
German Song Masterclass
Just before half term, we welcomed tenor Phillip Brown to give a masterclass in German song to some of our senior singers.
Museum Poetry Session
The museum hosted a successful poetry session for Second Form (Year 7) English recently. Their task was to write …
Chinese New Year
On Saturday 3 February we welcomed in the Chinese New Year with an excellent evening of celebrations, including performances of music, poetry, and dance by a well-known group,…
Lecture on Brain Science
On 1 February Professor Dennis Chan spoke to DG (Year 12) and prospective medical students from UF (Year 10) and above, on the topic ‘Understanding the Brain’.
U18s Southeast Regional Fives Tournament
The SE Regionals saw teams from CH, Tonbridge and Eastbourne compete in singles and doubles, with CH doing well in a fierce U18 competition.
Royal Navy DRIU Trip
On 30 January, members of the Royal Navy Section went on a trip to the DRIU (Damage Repair Instructional Unit), at HMS Excellent in Portsmouth.
ESU Debating Competition
On 25 January, CH welcomed five other schools for the regional final of the English Speaking Union Schools’ Mace debating competition. Our CH team, Summer, Seb and Sarah, te…
History Art Competition
LE history students recently took part in the Western Front Association art competition, with four of them winning prizes.
Art Lecture
On 22 January, we welcomed artist Godfried Donkor to speak to students about his work. Godfried Donkor is a Ghanaian artis…
Christ’s Hospital Outreach and Service Award
Deputy Grecians (Year 12 students) have been embracing the Christ’s Hospital Outreach and Service Award (CHOSA) and writing some insightful reflections on the service they d…
Empowering Workshop
On 12 January, our oldest two year groups welcomed not one but two inspiring young speakers: George Imafidon MBE, founder of
French Cultural Day Trip
In January, all DG and GR (Year 12 and 13) students studying French A level spent the day in London experiencing many of its French cultural offerings.
Lecture: TV and Oxford historian Dr Ramirez
On 18 January, the seniors were lucky enough to have the opportunity to attend a lecture delivered by TV and Oxford historian Janina Ramirez.
Ambassador of CH Expeditionary Education Embarks on Solo Row Across the Atlantic
The ambassador of Expeditionary Education at Christ’s Hospital school, Linda Blakely, is putting her money where her mouth is and attempting to become the fastest woman in t…
Gospel Choir Workshop
On 14 January, we were delighted to welcome back Keynotes Gospel Choir to deliver an uplifting workshop for our young singers. The student-led school Gospel Choir was joined b…
Engineering Scholarship
Congratulations to DG (Year 13) student Vieran, who has been awarded the Arkwright Engineering Scholarship, which offers support to 16-year-olds through their A levels.
New York Art Trip
Thirty-one sixth form students travelled to New York in the first week of the Christmas break to encounter the city’s art, architecture, sights and culture.
Music News
The term concluded – via a barnstorming run of Sondheim’s Sweeney Todd – with the usual traditions of community carol singing in Horsham and at Bluecoat Pond,…
Damian Le Bas Talk
On 4 December, Old Blue Damian Le Bas delivered an insightful and captivating talk, weaving personal anecdotes with historical context. Le Bas’ talk painted us an image of h…
School Concert
On Sunday 26 November, 194 students across the whole range of age and musical experience took to the stage in this term’s School Concert.
Ethics Cup Regionals
A team of nine CH students was victorious in the regional round of the Ethics Cup on 30 November and is through to the national championship at St Andrew’s on 23 May 2024.
The Great Debate
On 24 November, we were delighted to host the ‘Great Debate’ Competition, organised by the Historical Association. Students from various schools were challenged to researc…
Photography Competition
This year’s Tony Ray-Jones Photography Competition winners were Noann (Second Form/Year 7, Junior), Charlie (UF/Year 10, Intermediate), Kai (Grecian/Year 13, Senior) and Max…
Sir Ranulph Fiennes Talk
On 15 November, we were thrilled to welcome the renowned explorer, Sir Ranulph Fiennes OBE, to give a talk to senior students in the CH Theatre and inspire them with his remar…
Mansion House Event
On 16 November, Manuela, a GR (Year 13) student and monitor (prefect) from Christ’s Hospital had the great honour of addressing the new Lord Mayor of the City of London, Mic…
Poetry Reading
After the inspiring reading she gave to last year’s DG English A level cohort, Victoria Adukwei Bulley returned to CH on 10 November to read and discuss her poetry collectio…
Remembrance Sunday – 2023
The whole school gathered to remember those who sacrificed their lives in war on Remembrance Sunday. After a moving chapel service and the Act of Remembrance, students silen…
Lord Mayor’s Show 2023
The CH Band put on a superb performance again in the Lord Mayor’s Show in London on Saturday 11 November. The Show dates…
Art Lecture – 2023
Jennifer Higgie (writer, editor, curator and artist) gave a lecture on 30 October to senior students (DG-GR/Year 12-13) of art and history of art, about her recent book ‘…
The Blue 2022-2023
The Blue 2022-2023 is out now, providing a fascinating record of a year in the life of Christ’s Hospital! Click the link…
Sussex Cricket Selection
Christ’s Hospital student Josh (GE/Year 11) has received the exciting news that he has been selected for the Sussex County Cricket U16 squad.
CH Student Delivers Loyal Address to the King
We are extremely proud to announce that on 18 October, at Mansion House in the City of London, His Majesty King Charles III received a Loyal Address from the Senior Grecian (head student) of Christ’…
10,000 Voices
It was a great honour to host Barnardo’s for their 10,000 Voices anthology launch on 8 October. 10,000 Voices is a collection of original poems written by students in UK schools, the result of a …
Strokes for Strokes
On 1 October, Leigh Hunt A boarding house held CH’s first sponsored charity swim in continued support of the Stroke Association. The girls’ goal was to swim the length of the English Channel – …
Philosophy Lecture
What an amazing first talk to kick off the Kitcher Philosophy Talks this year! The question was what wealth is worth and whether economic growth is the best measure of social progress. The evening sta…
Silver Award at UK Social Mobility Awards 2023
The 2023 UK Social Mobility Awards Gala took place on Thursday 12 October, and CH took home a silver award for school/college of the year. The winners of the
Classics Trip – October 2023
Earlier this term, Third Form (Year 8) classics students went to Butser Ancient Farm to immerse themselves in the Roman world as part of their Latin studies. The experience included seeing an accurate…
Artificial Intelligence Debate
On 6 October the Debating Society debated the motion ‘This House believes that AI is a threat to humanity’. Students spoke about the challenges that AI…
Update on new facilities at Bluecoat Sports Centre
An update on new facilities at Bluecoat Sports Centre. We would like to invite you to a coffee morning at the school on Thursday, 19 October from 11am – 12.30pm where you will have the opportunity t…
Theatre in Education Event
On 2 October, our LE/Year 9 drama students performed in the CH Theatre to an appreciative audience of Year 5 children from local primary schools for an afternoon of Theatre in Education! Bas…
CHOSA Launched to all Deputy Grecians
Christ’s Hospital Outreach and Service Award is a new initiative which seeks to formally recognise the service many of our students do for others, both within Christ’s Hospital and in the wider co…
Lecture: ‘What Kind of Animal are you?’
Charles Foster teaches medical law and ethics at Oxford University, and writes about natural history, anthropology, archaeology, travel, evolutionary biology, theology, philosophy and law. Recent book…
Classics Lecture
Henner Petin (a student at CH from 2012 to 2014) returned to speak to senior classics students on the topic of ‘War and Battle in Literature and History’. After studying Latin at Christ’s Hospit…
Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock MBE Inspires CH Students to Reach for the Stars
Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock MBE, the brilliant British space scientist and science educator, visited Christ’s Hospital on 21 September to give an inspiring talk in the CH Theatr…
St Matthew’s Day 2023
On Friday 22 September, our annual St Matthew’s Day celebration took place in the City of London, starting with a service at St Andrew’s Church, High Holborn. The CH Band and senior pupils then…
Cambridge Uni International MUN
On Friday 22 September, eleven Deps and Grecians raced away from the St Matthew’s Day festivities in London to take part in their lates…
Oliver awarded prestigious Army scholarship
Christ’s Hospital is proud to announce that Oliver McAuliffe, a GR/Year 13 student, has been successful in his application for an Army scholarship. Ollie impressed in the highly competitive process,…
Students and staff are celebrating a good set of (I)GCSE results
Students and staff are celebrating a good set of (I)GCSE results, representing plenty of personal success stories in this year’s cohort. The GE (Year 11) students should be immensely proud of themse…
Congratulations Christ’s Hospital Students on their A level/Pre-U results
Students at Christ’s Hospital should be very proud of their accomplishments having received their A level results. Many of our students have had to overcome significant challenge in achieving these …
Springboard Fundraising
At the end of term, three students from Lamb A boarding house paid a visit to the Horsham-based charity, Springboard, to present a cheque for £260. The sum was raised by Lamb A students by baking and…
Big Band – 2023
It was a joyful occasion indeed when Big Band took to the CH stage again this term! The talent on show was simply incredible… You can now watch (and re-watch) the who…
Student Voice Awards Winner
The Student Voice Awards is a national competition which celebrates students who use their voice for positive change. Not only did several of our students make it to the final but amazingly both the…
The Band at the Tower of London – update
https://vimeo.com/846577979?share=copy The Christ’s Hospital Band performed an impressive Beating Retreat at the Tower of London on Saturday 24 June, at the invitation of the Tower Governor…
Alex Holmes Masculinity Lecture
On 8 June, CH was excited to welcome back mental health coach and trainee psychotherapist Alex Holmes, author of ‘Time to Talk’ and host of ‘The Alex Holmes Podcast’, to discuss various issues…
Expeditionary Education – 2023
In June, Christ’s Hospital launched an Expeditionary Education programme, packed with a variety of challenging and adventurous activities including canoeing, sailing, raft building, mountain biki…
Wordsworth Lecture
Deputy Grecian (Year 12) Deborah wrote the following review: On 26 June, I was included in the small cohort of A level English literature students representing Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s alma ma…
Knepp Eco Trip
On 23 June a group of CH Eco Rangers was treated to a tour of the Knepp rewilding estate by Old Blue Matthew Oates and Ecologist Abbie Burrows. GE (Year 11) student Daniel said: We really liked how …
Big Band
Showcasing a variety of ensembles in addition to the Big Band: the Senior Jazz Ensemble, the Gospel Choir and the Dixieland Jazz Band – as well as many talented and engaging soloists – the conc…
GE Careers Conference
On 27 June, we were delighted to host professional guests from 15 different career areas for our annual GE Careers Conference. Many of our guests were Old Blues and all kindly spent the evening shari…
Student Voice Awards
The Student Voice Awards is a national competition that celebrates students who use their voice for positive change. The competition was judged by Kim Leadbetter, Labour MP; Vanessa Harriss, the edit…
75th Windrush Anniversary
To mark the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the ship Empire Windrush, we welcomed The Right Reverend Leon Golding, Bishop of Montego Bay in the Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, on 19 June…
The Christopher Nicholson Prize
The school’s annual poetry in translation event concluded with a virtual visit from Booker Prize-longlisted literary translator Sophie Hughes. Sophie judged a shortlist of eight brilliant translatio…
CCF Trip
On 6 June, CCF cadets from DG (Year 12) visited the Damage Repair Instructional Unit (DRIU) and firefighting unit on HMS Excellent in Portsmouth. The cadets had an excellent day out and got to experie…
Grecian Valedictory Concert
Most of the musical performances in the summer term involve ensembles but Wednesday 14 June saw the Grecians Valedictory Concert, an evening dedicated to solo performances. A capacity crowd in the Me…
Classics Trip
Before half term, some of our UF (Year 10) classicists went on a trip to explore Roman London. First stop was Sir John Soane’s Museum where pupils got to discover artefacts and pain…
Young Reporter Scheme Winner!
UF (Year 10) pupil Carys (pictured in the centre) was chosen as one of the winners for the Young Reporter Scheme 2023, while Esther (right) and Lara (left), also from the UF, were selected as UK final…
Speech Day 2023
On Saturday 27 May, we were blessed with glorious sunshine to accompany our annual Speech Day celebrations, which were attended by The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman N…
Grecians Art Exhibition
On Thursday 25 May, Art School held an exhibition of our Grecian artists’ work, entitled ‘12’ Grecians Art Exhibition 2023. It was a proud day for both our students and their teachers to see the…
Life, Death and Grief Lecture
Review of Louise Winter’s visit, by Petra (DG/Year 12) ‘When we avoid difficult conversations, we trade short term discomfort for long term dysfunction’ (Peter Bromberg) Louis…
Medical Mavericks
On 22 May we were pleased to welcome Medical Mavericks to CH, who brought with them a whole range of equipment related to careers in medicine and the hea…
CH Wins Royal Society of Chemistry Competition
On 17 May, a team of four UF (Year 10) pupils won the Royal Society of Chemistry Downland Local Section Final of the 2022-23 Chemistry Challenge at the University of Kingston. Having achieved over 75…
Spital Sermon 2023
The Spital Sermon (which takes its name from the Hospital of St Mary Without Bishopsgate) has been preached every year since the late 14th century. Since the end of World War II, it has been …
Laura Bates Talk
Review by Margaret (GE/Year 11): On April 27 we were excited to welcome bestselling writer, feminist and founder of the Everyday Sexism Project, Laura Bates. In her fascinating talk, she discus…
Careers Forum
On 21 April we were delighted to host over 30 careers advisers from a wide range of schools for a Careers Forum.
Talk: ‘Courage to be me’
On 24 April we were delighted to welcome award-winning filmmaker Stephané Alexandre who spoke to Second Form (Year 7) pupils on the topic ‘Courage to be me’, as part of the Junior Learning for Li…
Newsletter Out Now! – April 2023
Our latest newsletter is out now! Read all about Lent term’s highlights by following the below link: https://ch-publications.co.uk/CHNews-19/…
Kitcher Society Philosophy Talk
On 14 March, the Kitcher Society hosted Dr Elizabeth Mackintosh who spoke about ‘The moral community: persons and the planet’ – a topic very appropriate to these difficult times of climate chang…
Lemn Sissay Talk
It was a real honour to welcome Lemn Sissay to CH on 22 March to speak to pupils from DG/Year 12 and UF/Year 10. Lemn is a high-profile, award-winning author and one of the most celebrated poets in th…
Road Safety Talk
Stephen O’Connell from West Sussex Police Road Safety and Richard Poole from West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service spoke to all our Second Form/Year 7 pupils this week about how to stay safe on the ro…
CH Science Journal
The new CH Science Journal is now available to view online here: https://ch-publications.co.uk/SJ-Lent2023/ …
Sada Mire Lecture
The Ridley Lecture on 2 March for senior pupils was by Dr Sada Mire, a Swedish-Somali archaeologist, art historian and presenter. She spoke on the topic of ‘Archeology, Africa and Deep Human History…
Med Soc Trip
On 14 March, seven MedSoc members from DG/Year 12 visited Elekta in Crawley, a global healthcare company and manufacturer of radiotherapy equipment, for a STEM workshop to learn all about radiography….
CCF Royal Navy Trip
On 3 March, the Royal Navy Section cadets visited HMS Victory at the Historic Dockyard in Portsmouth, where they learned all about the Battle of Trafalgar and saw the spot where Nelson was shot and la…
Mountbatten Festival of Music
On 10 March, over 60 CH senior musicians were given the opportunity to attend the Mountbatten Festival of Music in the Royal Albert Hall, an event featuring the Massed Bands of His Majesty’s Royal M…
Commonwealth Service
A group of six lucky pupils from Christ’s Hospital were invited to attend the Commonwealth Service at Westminster Abbey on 13 March. The Commonwealth Service celebrates the people and cultures of t…
MUN Haileybury Conference
From 17 to 19 March, 26 senior pupils took part in the annual MUN conference at Haileybury School. Representing Japan, Croatia, Moldova, Cote d’Ivoire, Gambia, Costa Rica and the Solomon Islands, th…
Fives Inspiration
On 6 March we had the privilege of welcoming Old Blue Louise Mathias, the National Ladies Fives champion, to train with the CH girls. The day started with Louise talking about how she began her Fives …
Old Blue Author Visit
On 8 March, we welcomed back former pupil and author Joel Arcanjo to talk about his critically acclaimed, debut children’s book Crookhaven – The School for Thieves. Joel delivered a fun, interactive…
Culture Shock – 2023
The African-Caribbean Society put on a special event called Culture Shock on Saturday, 4 March. It was an evening of entertainment to celebrate all cultures through dance, poetry, food and more. Pupil…
English Chamber Orchestra Workshop – 2023
The afternoon started with six of our pupils receiving individual instrumental lessons from the ECO musicians. Meanwhile the percussion workshop took place in Big School for two of the CH percussion p…
Law Workshop – 2023
On 28 February pupils in GE (Year 11) and above were invited to attend a law workshop, run by external barrister Tommy Seagull. Pupils learnt how to write a bail application and had the opportunity…
Band Concert – 2023
The annual Band Concert, on Sunday 26 February, featured its usual rich variety of styles and ensembles. The Training Band, having just started this year, contributed a particular highlight to the c…
Unconscious Bias Talk
In the first half of Lent term, a group of senior pupils were fortunate enough to attend a talk by ex-Saracens captain Floyd Steadman, which took place at Cranleigh School. Grecian (Year 13) pupil Alf…
Dave Randall Lecture
On 1 February, we welcomed musician Dave Randall who delivered a fascinating lecture to DG (Year 12) and other senior pupils on the political power of music. Dave Randall is a celebrated producer an…
French Debating Competition
By Robert (DG/Year 12) On 2 February, four pupils and two members of staff travelled to Whitgift School to compete in the annual regional Joutes Oratoires (verbal jousting), which is a French debati…
Back to the Bones with Manders
The team and Manders Organ Restoration have been hard at work and using their skill to carefully deconstruct the organ piece by piece. Manders established in 1936 are a small team of highly skilled te…
Careers Networking Event – 2023
On 7 February, the Careers Department held a networking evening for DG (Year 12) pupils. Old Blues and other guests from financial, legal, business, scientific and creative backgrounds took part in t…
MUN Conference
On 31 January, 48 senior students (GE/Year 11 – GR/Year 13) gathered for this year’s internal MUN conference. The Hertford Centre was transformed into the Human Rights Committee for the day, with …
Public-Speaking Competition
On 25 January, three of our LE (Year 9) pupils took part in the second round of the English-Speaking Union Public Speaking Competition at the Bishop’s Palace in Chichester. In the competition, Israe…
How to Disagree Without Killing Each Other
Review by Benjamin (DG/Year 12) Rev Huxley-Jones’s Kitcher Society talk, entitled ‘How to Disagree Without Killing Each Other’, explored the teachings of 20th century Austri…
Mandarin Outreach
On 20 January, five Deputy Grecian (Year 12) pupils (Ogechi, Oluchi, Oliver, Evie and Manuela) visited a local primary school to carry out a Mandarin Chinese student-led outreach programme. Manuela sa…
Gospel Choir Workshop – 2023
On 22 January, the members of Christ’s Hospital Gospel Choir were led in an inspirational workshop by London-based Keynotes Gospel Choir, led by Charles Dada, a singer and recording artist who has p…
Physics Olympiad Gold
Following on from Christ’s Hospital’s tremendous success in the British Physics Olympiad last year, 11 of our GR/Year 13 physicists took up the challenge again this year to sit the UK’s most for…
Climbing Competition
On 16 January, 10 pupils from GE to GR (Year 11–13) competed in an interschools’ climbing competition, at a climbing facility called Boulder Brighton. The CH team had to tackle 25 different climb…
Pre-season Netball
Senior netball for DG and GR (Year 12 and 13) took place from Friday 6-8 January, with a mixture of players going back to basics on the first day, whilst on Saturday 7 January, the group took part in …
1st XI Cricketers Receive Prestigious Award
The Christ’s Hospital 1st XI cricketers received tremendous news earlier this term when representatives of the XI were invited to Lord’s to receive a most prestigious award – The Forty …
Community Christmas Lunch
On 7 December, we were delighted to welcome 60, more senior, members of the local community to our popular Community Christmas Lunch held in the beautiful Court Room at Christ’s Hospital.
Christmas Fair
The Christmas Fair was back in force post Covid on Sunday 4 December; it was two hours of excitement, music and wonderful stalls selling everything from homemade Christmas decorations to delicious cak…
CH’s Japan Partner Receives Award
Christ’s Hospital is extremely proud of its partnership with the Tazaki Foundation and congratulates its founder Mr Tadayoshi Tazaki on receiving this year’s Japan-British Society Award. The awar…
Salters’ Chemistry Scholar
On 1 December, Manuela (DG/Year 12) became the new Salters’ chemistry scholar! Former Master of The Salters’ Company, Timandra Nichols, visited CH specially to present Manuela with her Salters’ badg…
Kitcher Society Talks
The Kitcher society has met on two occasions this term, for a talk entitled ‘Is There a Problem with Museums?’ by Professor Derek Matravers of the Open University, and for a debate on whether quan…
Theatre Trip
UF/Year 10 drama pupils got taken to the National Theatre earlier this term to see the widely acclaimed stage version of The Boy with Two Hearts (BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week).
Silent Ceremony
Five of our pupils represented CH at the historic Silent Ceremony at Guildhall on 11 November to witness the Lord Mayor Elect being officially admitted as Lord Mayor of the City of L…
Tony Ray-Jones Photo Competition
On 14 November, an exhibition and prize-giving ceremony was held for our annual Tony Ray-Jones Photography Competition in Art School. This year, the theme was ‘The British Isles’ and pupils from a…
Founder’s Day Dinner – October
After an enforced three year break Old Blues and their guests gathered again at the Ironmonger’s Hall, in October, to celebrate the birth of Edward VI. Having denied us two dinners Covid still play…
Black History Month Competition
In October, all Second Form (Year 7) pupils learned about Black History Month as part of the junior Learning for Life programme. Over 40 pupils entered a poster competition about one of the following…
Remembrance Sunday 2022
Pupils and staff at Christ’s Hospital held an atmospheric Remembrance Day ceremony on Sunday 13 November. The day began with a special service in Chapel, after which all pupils stood in silence in t…
Lord Mayor’s Show 2022
The Christ’s Hospital Band made its 40th appearance at the Lord Mayor’s Show on Saturday, November 12, reaffirming the School’s historic connections with the City of London. The musicians were n…
Science Live Trip
On 3 November, 20 Grecian (Year 13) chemists had a great day attending Science Live at The Emmanuel Centre in London. The pupils enjoyed five wide-ranging lectures from leading academics: Professor An…
Classics Trip – November 2022
Classics trip review by DG/Year 12 pupil Robert: During October half term, 28 senior pupils and the four classics teachers travelled to Italy for a week of enriching historical learning. It was an e…
The Blue is Out Now!
The Blue 2021-2022 is out now and provides a fascinating record of a year in the life of Christ’s Hospital! The digital version is available here:
CH Sports Ambassadors Support Cricket Festival
On a bright and sunny autumn day, seven CH pupil sports ambassadors spent the day at the picturesque Arundel Castle Cricket Club assisting and coaching in a cricket festival for adults with learning d…
Black History Month Lecture
As part of our Black History Month celebrations, we welcomed popular content creator Zai Sylla for an engaging exploration of negative and positive tropes of Black characters in books and films.
Gold Award at UK Social Mobility Awards!
We are over the moon to have received a second award in the space of 48 hours! Christ’s Hospital was awarded the School/College of the Year Gold Award at the UK Social Mobility Awards in London on Th…
Christ’s Hospital Celebrates!
Christ’s Hospital was recognised for its work in the field of social mobility at the Independent School of the Year 2022 annual awards ceremony on 11 October 2022. The judges special award
St Matthew’s Day 2022
On 6 October 2022, Christ’s Hospital brought traffic to a standstill in the City of London for the annual St Matthew’s Day march, after a two-year break due to the pandemic. What a sight it was! …
DofE Gold Expedition
For October field day, pupils taking the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award navigated a 10 mile (4 hour), pre-planned route around the South Downs using OS maps and compasses. They left from, and returned t…
Christ’s Hospital Science Journal
Last year, Head of Physics, Craig Donohue, started a Science Journal, compiled by the pupils. The articles are written specially for the journal, and all the editing, formatting, and design of the j…
Trip to Tate Britain
Thirty-two Grecian and Dep (Year 13 and 12) artists enjoyed a thought-provoking trip to Tate Britain and White Cube Bermondsey on 27 September to see exhibitions that will directly influence the cours…
Richard Poulton, former Headmaster
Richard Poulton, Headmaster of Christ’s Hospital – January 1987 to August 1996. After a downturn in his health over the summer months, former Headmaster Richard Poulton died peacefully on Friday 23…
Author Visit: Abi Daré
On 19 September, we were delighted to welcome author Abi Daré to deliver a lecture on the life-changing power of books. DG (Year 12) pupil Charlene, wrote the following review of the event: The vis…
Creative Writing Workshop
On 15 September, we were pleased to have author Lucy Strange visit us for two workshops on creative writing. Lucy won the 2014 Montegrappa First Fiction Prize and has gone on to publish three novels …
Newsletter Out Now! Summer 2022
The latest newsletter, which gives a round-up of all the summer term news and events, is out now. Please follow the link below to access it: CH News…
GR/Year 13 Pupil Breaks World Deadlift Record
Congratulations to Grecian (Year 13) pupil, Nonso Chinye, who secured a silver medal at the International Powerlifting Federation World Championships, which took place from 27 August to 4 September in…
A stellar set of (I)GCSE results
After a turbulent couple of years in preparation for examinations, pupils and staff at Christ’s Hospital are celebrating a stellar set of (I)GCSE results, some of the best seen at the School. There …
Impressive A Level/Pre-U results for Christ’s Hospital Pupils.
An incredibly impressive set of results given the significant challenges experienced by this cohort, including the cancellation of their GCSE public examinations. Over the two years of Sixth Form, the…
Poetry Translation Competition
The Christopher Nicholson Award for poetry translation attracted a brilliant field of poems from our senior pupils. The shortlisted entries included poems from a fantastic range of languages. A specia…
Christ’s Hospital shortlisted for the UK Social Mobility Awards
It has been announced that Christ’s Hospital is a finalist in the School/College of the Year category in the sixth annual UK Social Mobility Awards (SOMOs). The UK Social Mobility Awards recognise …
Careers Networking Event – 2022
On 28 June, Christ’s Hospital was delighted to welcome over 20 Old Blues and professional guests from financial, legal, business, scientific and creative backgrounds for a careers networking event. Th…
Law Internship
The day after leaving CH, Keighley (GR/Year 13) walked straight into a highly competitive place on a three-week paid law internship with Simmons & Simmons, an international law firm in London. Sh…
Independent Schools of the Year Award 2022
Christ’s Hospital has been shortlisted for an Independent Schools of the Year Award 2022. Independent School Parent magazine has just announced the commended schools which have been shortlisted in …
International Baccalaureate results finish on a high!
After 10 years of teaching the International Baccalaureate at Christ’s Hospital our results finish on a high, with the strongest set of examinable results in the history of its delivery at the Schoo…
Parents’ Day
A fun programme of family fun was laid on for Parents’ Day on Sunday 26 June. There were lots of family-friendly activities, including athletics, picnics on the lawn, a tennis tournament, hist…
Last Band Parade
The final band parade of the year took place on 27 June and it came with a few twists! This is the one day of the year when pupils are allowed to get creative with the traditional format of the parade…
New Chief Operating Officer
I am very pleased to have appointed Jenny Baxter as Christ’s Hospital’s new Chief Operating Officer. She will take over the Chief Operating Officer role when Nick Tesseyman steps down in Septemb…
Student Voice Awards – 2022
We are delighted that three of our School Council Leaders have won Student Voice Awards. The Student Voice Awards is a national competition which is organised by VotesForSchools and promotes student …
Senior Cadet Instructor Course
Three CCF cadets attended and passed the Senior Cadet Instructor Course during half term, and one of them was named ‘top student’. The Senior Cadet Instructor Course is a course run by the Britis…
Geography Field Trip
For National Fieldwork Week, UF (Year 10) geography pupils conducted two days of fieldwork in the first week back from half term. The first day was spent in Littlehampton, investigating how human act…
Ethics Cup Final
Having triumphed in the South East Regional for the second year running, the Ethics Cup team travelled to St Andrews for the National Finals at half term. The team had been working extremely hard in p…
Chemistry Scholar
Congratulations to David (DG/Year 12) who has been chosen to be the new Salters’ Chemistry Scholar, based on his commitment and ability! He was presented with the Salters’ badge by former Headmas…
Speech Day 2022
One of the School’s most important summer term events, Speech Day, was held on Saturday, 28 May, with the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Vincent Keaveny, and his party in attendance, jus…
Automotive Engineering Event
On 26 May, an automotive engineering event was held at CH, behind Barnes block, courtesy of a member of the cleaning team, Jason Wicker. Jason, who is also an expert tuner, displayed the cars that ar…
Chemistry Challenge Success
On 25 May, four of our UF/Year 10 pupils (Suoxi, Fleur, Tani and Michael) travelled to Kingston University to compete in the regional final of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Chemistry Challenge. A…
Summer Law School Placement
For the first time, we are offering current DG/Year 12 pupils an opportunity to attend a fully-funded law summer school placement with Debate Chamber. This will be funded by the Daniel Lett Fund. The…
Barnes B Raises £1,197 for Local Children’s Charity
On 17 May, pupils from Barnes B boarding house at Christ’s Hospital visited Sussex charity Kangaroos and presented them with a cheque for £1,197. The Barnes B girls raised the money by decorating a…
Law Workshop
On 16 May, Tommy Seagull led an inspiring and insightful law workshop for sixth form pupils, which focused on practising the skills and thinking about the attributes needed to be a good lawyer. The w…
Junior Mock Trial
On 9 May we were pleased to have Tommy Seagull, a trainee barrister, join us online from Florida, where he is currently working on cases surrounding Death Row. Tommy helped the Junior Debating Socie…
Problematic History Lecture
A review of the lecture by DG (Year 12) pupil Timi: On 5 May, we were joined by Priyanka Raval, a journalist from Bristol with whom we had an engaging discussion surrounding the cultural importance o…
CH Band in Brighton
On Saturday 7 May, the CH Band marched through the streets of Brighton in the Children’s Parade, an event run by Brighton Festival. As always, the Band represented CH spectacularly, and certainly ca…
Relationship with Tech Talk
On 28 April, we welcomed back Old Blue Tanya Goodin to deliver a talk to junior pupils about our relationship with technology. Tanya is an expert in the field of tech-life balance and a regular med…
MUN Haileybury Conference 2022
Twenty CH pupils attended the Model United Nations Conference in Haileybury over the leave weekend of 18–20 March, in what was the first external conference for over two years. Haileybury is the bi…
Spanish Trip
Once the obstacles of flight cancellation and PCR tests were overcome, the excitement of being in the beautiful province of Galicia at the beginning of the Easter break was awe-inspiring for our senio…
Behind the scenes
Michael Keays director of Manders Organ Builders shared some photos of the work that his team are doing to restore the Chapel organ. Work is well underway with the Christs Hospital Chapel or…
Lecture on Rewilding
As part of our series of Ridley Lectures, on 22 March we were delighted to welcome Isabella Tree, an award-winning author and conservationist who lives and works on the world-renowned Knepp Estate. D…
Theology & Philosophy Trip
This half term, UF (Year 10) theology and philosophy pupils visited two places of worship in London to support their GCSE study of Christian and Buddhist practices. First up was the Kagyu Samye Dzong …
British Biology Olympiad
This year, 18 pupils entered the British Biology Olympiad in March and 12 of them were awarded medals or were commended. The British Biology Olympiad challenges and stimulates students with an inte…
Law Debate
The annual CH Law Debate took place on 25 March in the Dominions Theatre. The first part of the evening featured a pupil debate on the motion ‘This House supports the promotion of collective guilt af…
Ethics Cup
A team of nine talented Christ’s Hospital philosophers were victorious for the second year in succession at the South East Regional round of the Ethics Cup (formerly the John Stuart Mill Cup), kindl…
Lecture: ‘Who is Philosophy For?’
On Tuesday 15 of March, Dr Rebecca Buxton and Ms Lisa Whiting gave a Kitcher Society talk entitled ‘Who is Philosophy for?’, going into depth about representation in philosophy, especially with re…
Eco-themed Spring Fair
On 13 March, an eco-themed Spring Fair was held at Christ’s Hospital, hosted by the School’s eco club, which is known as the Eco Rangers. The fair was to fundraise for The Sussex Wildlife Trust an…
Newsletter Out Now! – March 2022
Our newsletter is out now, featuring news and highlights from the term gone by! Read it here:
Band Concert – 2022
On Sunday 6 March, we held a Band Concert in Big School. The Christ’s Hospital Band, plus the Training Band, performed an entertaining programme, including light classics, solos and film music. Our …
Archbishop of Canterbury Visit
We were honoured to host the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, on 4 March. Archbishop Welby took time out from his busy schedule to come to Christ’s Hospital and speak to our pupils. He had lun…
Library Writing Competition
For World Book Day, the LARC Library held a creative writing competition entitled ’15 Pictures in Search of a Story’.
Five Win the Chess Trophy
On 23 of February, five chess players represented Christ’s Hospital at the City of London Schools’ annual chess tournament held at Guildhall in London. The pupils had a fantastic day meeting play…
Valentine’s Cookie Sale
The girls from Barnes B boarding house raised money for a local children’s charity through the sale of Valentine’s Day cookies. The cookies were made by our caterer, Chartwells; the pupils then s…
Careers Networking Event – February 2022
An online careers networking event for DG pupils (Year 12) was held on the 9 February. This event was designed to give pupils the opportunity to hear from a wide range of professionals and their expe…
Time to Talk
On 1 February, we were delighted to welcome visiting speaker Alex Holmes who delivered a workshop and lecture on mental health and masculinity for senior pupils. Alex Holmes is an award-winning podca…
Debating Success
Kyran (DG/Year 12), Toga and Mya (GR/Year 13) were successful in the English Speaking Union Schools’ Mace Debating competition on 2 February, getting through to the regional final, which will take p…
319-year-old CH artefact found in Cornish garden
An artefact dated 1703 from Christ’s Hospital has been dug up over 220 miles away in a Cornish resident’s garden. Brian Sellick, who lives near Torpoint in Cornwall, dug the medallion-like object…
Music Scholars’ Recital
It has been a long while since we’ve been able to put on a concert in this format in front of a live audience, and what a joy it was to be back! Our junior music scholars – some of whom were perfo…
Library Unveils New Bookplates
On 20 January, Christ’s Hospital Library unveiled two new bookplates which were designed by pupils to mark five years since the opening of the Language and Resource Centre, where the library is hous…
British Physics Olympiad
A Christ’s Hospital pupil has been awarded ‘top gold’ in the British Physics Olympiad, a competition designed to test the very best school physicists from around the world. In November, nine of…
National Theatre Archive Trip
On 18 January, Drama A level pupils from DG/Year 12 visited the National Theatre Archive in London. This was a great opportunity for them to carry out research into their Component 1 stimulus Beau…
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Well done to Marie-Ange (Third Form/Year 8) who has written and illustrated a Mandarin version of the much-loved children’s book The Very Hungry Caterpillar, complete with cut-out pages! Thi…
Preseason Netball
Christ’s Hospital netball preseason was a great opportunity for a mix of senior squad players to finally return to the game having not played since 2020. The squad of players attended a preseason t…
Football 1st XI Preseason
Christ’s Hospital 1st XI football preseason was a great success both on and off the pitch, as the players were put through their paces with a hectic schedule of training and matches. A 3-3 draw agai…
Hockey U17s Futures Cup 2021
Last term, Grecian (year 13) pupil Alex was lucky enough to play for the Saxon Tigers in the U17s Futures Cup 2021, which is run by England Hockey. Alex has played county hockey representing Surrey s…
In December, the Drama Department was thrilled to inaugurate the newly refurbished Christ’s Hospital Theatre with the senior production of Chicago, a story of ‘’murder, greed, corruptio…
Fives Doubles Tournament
On 30 November, Max and Ollie (both GR/Year 13) travelled to Winchester College to join some of the top talent in the U18 year group for the Fives Doubles Tournament. With a week of high intensity pra…
Model United Conference
On Saturday 27 November, the CH Model United Conference took place for the first time in two years. For the GE and Deps (Year 11 and 12), it was their first conference ever and pupils were outstanding…
Christmas Lunch for the Elderly
On 1 December, a special Christmas meal was held by Christ’s Hospital Community Club for the elderly. It was the first time the Community Club had met since February 2020 due to the pandemic so it w…
ACS Fundraiser
Our African Caribbean Society hosted a fun charity fundraiser on Saturday 27 November, including a big raffle, to raise money for an amazing cause: Toni’s Giant Pledge and The Royal…
Author Visit: Caroline Lawrence
This term we were privileged to have the fabulous Caroline Lawrence, author of The Roman Mysteries series and many other excellent works on the ancient world, to visit CH and speak to our Second and T…
School Concert – 2021
The School Concert on 28 November was a memorable occasion on several counts: the large numbers of pupils involved; the consistent quality of the music-making; and the fact that we were able to welcom…
Tony Ray-Jones Competition 2021
Each year, the Art School at Christ’s Hospital offers pupils the opportunity to enter its annual photography competition, named in memory of former pupil and renowned photographer Tony Ray-Jones (19…
Mock Trial
On 26 November we were delighted to host pupil barrister Tommy Seagull who led over 30 pupils in a mock trial over Teams. A selection of GR and DG (Year 13 and 12) pupils were sent the court case in…
Join Us for Giving Tuesday
Giving Tuesday is a global day focused on charitable giving. The CH community will, once again, come together to celebrate this special day, and w…
Piano Competition Winner
Oliver, a music scholar from GE (Year 11), has beaten off stiff competition to win the Senior Piano Repertoire Cup in the ‘15 and under’ category at the Devizes Eisteddfod festival this November. …
James Reflects on a Unique CH Experience
By developing confidence, resilience, and self-esteem, a CH education transforms the lives of young people, equipping them with the ability to believe in themselves and pursue their goals. Here’s wh…
Remembrance Sunday – 2021
On Sunday 14 November we held a suitably poignant Remembrance Sunday ceremony in memory of those who defended our freedom. The day began with a special Remembrance service in Chapel, after which pupil…
Peer Mentors
This term 86 Deputy Grecians (Year 12) completed an intensive Peer Mentor training programme, which involves training pupils to become ‘listening ears’ – a very useful life skill, which they can…
Conscious Economy Lecture
Old Blue and successful business entrepreneur Vanessa Maselino delivered an excellent lecture to Grecians on 2 November entitled Conscious Economy: A New Dawn of Sustainable Entrepreneurship….
Philosophy Lecture – 2021
On 16 November, Dr Calder gave a fascinating philosophy lecture entitled ‘To Be Confirmed: The Predictive Mind’. Here is a write-up by philosophy scholar Aaron (DG/Year 12): Tuesday night’s Kitche…
Lord Mayor’s Show 2021
The Christ’s Hospital Band marched in the Lord Mayor’s Show again this year, on Saturday 13 November, and did a splendid job of representing the School, as well as entertaining the London crowds! …
Black Panthers Talk
After half term, the ACS (African Caribbean Society) hosted an interactive talk about the Black Panthers movement in the UK and more specifically, the Mangrove 9, a group of protesters, most of whom w…
Virtual Author Visit
The English Department is trying to carry on with author visits even in these tricky times. Carnegie Medal-winning Anthony McGowan dropped in to our 2nd Form (Year 7) classes on Thursday 5 November, t…
Article on Rugby at CH
Please read the article by clicking the link below: Article on rugby at Christ’s Hospital
Theatre Trip – 2021
The excitement was palpable when drama pupils from GR/Year 13 attended the European premiere of ‘White Noise’ at Bridge Theatre on 7 October! This excellent play is by …
Rory Kinnear Lecture
On 12 October, the esteemed actor Rory Kinnear delivered a lecture in person to our Grecian (Year 13) pupils, as well as to some DG/Year 12s and members of staff.
Bluecoat Concert
In the grandiose setting of London’s Royal Over-Seas League, our senior musicians gave the first re-founded Bluecoat Concert to an audience of parents, staff, governors, Old Blues, donors, and other…
‘Bridging the Gap’ Lecture
As part of Black History Month and ‘Celebrating Black Excellence’ at Christ’s Hospital, on 29 September, our African Caribbean Society (ACS), in partnership with the Careers Department,
Art School Lecture: Alice Channer & Noel Stewart
We were delighted to welcome Alice Channer and Noel Stewart on the evening of 4 October, in the Hertford Centre. Alice is an artist, Noel is a milliner and both are Old Blues (former pupils) who are v…
Bright Futures Campaign Raises £1.6 million!
Thanks to gifts from 1,082 Old Blues, parents, and friends our Bright Futures campaign has now surpassed its £1.5m fundraising target! We have received donation…
Sussex Heritage Trust Award
On 15 September, our new catering facility won an award in the Public and Community category of the Sussex Heritage Trust 2021 Awards. This was a particularly competitive category, for a project which…
Independent Schools of the Year 2021 Finalist
We are delighted to be able to tell you that following our earlier announcement of being shortlisted for the Independent Schools of the Year 2021 awards, Christ’s Hospital has now been selected as a F…
Newsletter Out Now! – Summer 2021
Click here for a round-up of the summer term news! CH Newsletter Summer 2021…
Pupils and staff are celebrating a tremendous set of (I)GCSE results after a turbulent couple of years in preparation. The tenacity and resilience in the face of adversity demonstrated by this talente…
A Level / Pre-U Results – 2021
A Level / Pre-U Results Following on from what has been another profoundly challenging year, Christ’s Hospital is celebrating the real success within its talented cohort of A Lev…
Independent Schools of the Year Award
We are delighted to announce that Christ’s Hospital has been shortlisted for an Independent Schools of the Year Award for our Outstanding Response to Covid-19. To find out more about the awards, pl…
Social Mobility Awards
Christ’s Hospital has been shortlisted in the School/College of the Year category in the UK Social Mobility Awards 2021. It was announced on 21 July that Christ’s Hospital is a finalist in the Sc…
CH Campaign Raises £200k
Thank you to all our Old Blues, parents and friends who supported our CH Telephone Campaign. Our team of 13 recent leavers spoke to over 500 Old Blues and parents and really enjoyed their conversation…
Maximum points for IB pupil!
Following on from the stunning set of provisional results from a talented IB cohort, we are pleased to congratulate Charlotte Ogden-Meade who has now been awarded the maximum 45 points! This is a fir…
Schola Choir Recordings
https://vimeo.com/572528258/3d2650a07b https://vimeo.com/572528147/92fc79aba5…
Valedictory Concert
https://vimeo.com/572525940/b8dbfca591 https://vimeo.com/572526070/1ae02de442 Valedictory Concert Big School Friday 25 June, 8pm Programme…
Telephone Campaign Launches
Our team of recent leavers will soon be getting in touch with Old Blues and parents as we launch our 2021 Telephone Campaign on Tuesday 6 July.
Summer Art News
The GE Art Exhibition opened to pupils and staff at the end of term and was an impressive display of our GCSE art pupils’ hard work and dedication. Although due to ongoing restrictions we could not …
After an unsettling year of change in response to the pandemic, Christ’s Hospital IB pupils followed the non-examinable route for qualification and achieved a phenomenal set of results, the stronges…
Jazz & Blues Concert
Pupils held a jazz and blues concert at the end of summer term – watch a recording of it here: https://vimeo.com/570271905…
Christopher Nicholson Prize
This may not have been a vintage year for foreign travel, but CH pupils showed their cosmopolitan – and creative – leanings with some spectacular poetry. The CH Poetry in Translation 2021 event cu…
House Innings
Instead of the usual House Outings Day, we brought the fun to us for House Innings Day on 28 June and it was a great success! The day started with house athletics, followed by an afternoon of fun act…
GE Careers Conference 2021
On Friday, our GE (Year 11) pupils all took part in our annual Careers Conference. We were delighted to host recent Old Blue (former pupil) Charlie Robinson, who gave an inspirational speech about hi…
ACS Fashion Show
Christ’s Hospital’s Afro-Caribbean Society held a multicultural fashion show on 12 June and invited pupils of all cultures to take part. The event was a creative affair which involved pupils show…
The DG (Year 12) UCAS Day was a great success. Pupils heard from Mr. Craig Dove (Sussex University), Mr. Mike Nicholson (Bath University) and Mr. Alan Bollock (Careers Specialist). The day gave pup…
Sports Update
The sight and sound of sports fixtures returning to the CH sports fields has been most welcome in these last two weeks. The long-awaited opportunity to pull on the CH colours and represent the ‘badg…
Gospel Choir Concert
Watch the Gospel Choir Concert here: https://vimeo.com/566979106 Like a ray of sunlight piercing the literal and metaphorical drizzle, the Deps (Year 12) and Grecians (Year 13) of the Gospel Choir g…
Vaccine Hub Work Experience
Over the last couple of weeks, DG (Year 12) pupils from MedSoc have been lucky enough to be able to do some work experience at the vaccination centre in BCS with the help of our Senior Nurse Elaine …
Speech Day 2021
Watch a video of Speech Day here: https://vimeo.com/560348602/6425c830c6 Christ’s Hospital was delighted to be able to hold Speech Day this year and despite it being a pared down event, the import…
IBM Event
On 11 June, pupils from Third Form (Year 8) took part in an engaging half-day event with IBM. Pupils engaged in interactive talks, interviews, exercises and quizzes, led by two IBM consultants. Key…
Artwork Selection for Royal Academy
Congratulations to GR (Year 13) art scholar Manon, who has had a piece of her work selected for the Royal Academy Young Artists’ Summer Show!
Mandarin Competition Success!
Deputy Grecian (Year 12) Eddy has won second place in the national British Council Mandarin Speaking Competition at advanced level! This is an especially great achievement, as Eddy would have been on…
Mock Trial – 2021
We were delighted to invite Lawyer Portal to work with us on a mock trial and debate on 19 May.
The Essex Barrister
On 18 May, we held the second Ridley lecture of the term, welcoming Alexandra Wilson, known as ‘The Essex Barrister’. Ms Wilson joined us via Teams, projected onto a big screen in the Theatre, and…
Peele Fundraises for Syria Relief
On Sunday 2 May, pupils in Peele boarding house took part in a big run to raise money for their house charity, Syria Relief. Each member of Peele ran either one or two laps around the School’s very …
Music Video Creativity
Third Form (Year 8) pupil Oliver has recorded his own version of a sea shanty, recently made popular on social media site Tik Tok. He decided to make a music video of a song called ‘Wellerman’ usi…
John Stuart Mill Cup
On 29 and 30 April, a group of 10 DG (Year 12) pupils won the South-East regional round of the John Stuart Mill Cup. The Mill Cup is a philosophy discussion competition, similar to debating, in which …
Junior Debating Competition – 2021
On Tuesday, some of our younger pupils competed in the City of London Debating Tournament for juniors. The competition was run online in conjunction with the English Speaking Union and Churchill Socie…
Careers Networking Event Hailed a Success!
The Company of Entrepreneurs is a Company of the City of London and Christ’s Hospital is one of its partner schools. The Company was recently represented by David Mellor in our online careers networ…
Philosophy Competition Success!
Congratulations to Izzy (DG/Year 12) who has won first prize in a national philosophy essay competition! The prestigious competition is run annually by the Department of Philosophy at the University o…
Mandarin Speaking Competition
Congratulations to Eddy (DG/Year 12) who has made it through to the final of the British Council Mandarin Speaking Competition 2021! Eddy took part in the virtual heat competition at adv…
Boarding House Fundraising
There has been a lot of fundraising activity in our boarding houses recently and we are very proud of our pupils’ efforts to raise money for such worthy causes! Read on for details of three separate…
Live Screening
On Thursday 22 April, pupils from Third Form (Year 8) were invited to the Theatre to enjoy a live screening of Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax from The Old Vic theatre in London. This funny, moving and inspi…
Band Plays Sussex by the Sea
This was a lockdown project last term; all the musicians recorded their parts at home and sent in the recordings to create this virtual band!
The Eco Rangers Call for Sustainable Living
There have been times when expressing an interest in protecting the natural world would see you labelled as a hippy or a crank, or perhaps even a dangerous militant. It could be argued that the ‘cra…
Housey is Back!
It is truly wonderful to see our pupils back in uniform, at last! Due to Covid, it has been over a year since the pupils have been able to wear our wonderful and distinctive uniform, which is so much…
Quad Fountain Cleaned
The fountain in the quad is positively sparkling after it was cleaned by a specialist team during the Easter holiday! The photos show the fountain being cleaned, as well as the finished effect.
Public Speaking Competition
On 8 March 2021, two teams of pupils represented CH in the English-Speaking Union’s Public Speaking Competition, which took place in a virtual format. The prestigious ESU-Churchill Public Speaking …
Reckless Maths
At the start of last year, Mr Reckless noticed that many of his pupils were finding the algebra topics particularly challenging and wanted to find a way to help them. He thought they would very much b…
Junior Chess Success
Fourteen pupils from Second and Third Form (Year 7 & 8) represented Christ’s Hospital at the City of London Schools’ Chess Tournament which was hosted virtually this year.
In Lent term, CH pupils took part in their first ever philosothon – a competition of philosophical discussion – hosted by Northwood College. Topics discussed included the nature of justice and th…
Physics Olympiad
Every year, 10 to 15 Deputy Grecians (Year 12) enter the British Physics Olympiad Senior Challenge. Usually they sit a written paper, but this year the competition went online and consisted of 40 mult…
Careers Networking Event – 2021
On Friday 5 March, Christ’s Hospital hosted its first online live careers networking event. The event saw Old Blues and other professionals from twelve different career areas come together to talk …
Careers in Research Science
George Busby returned to Christ Hospital School on 5th March, to give a talk on Careers in Research Science. After leaving CH in the year 2000, George followed his lifelong passion for the…
Virtual Visiting Speaker: Mya-Rose Craig
As part of the Christ’s Hospital Visiting Speaker Programme 2021, we welcomed Mya-Rose Craig, ‘Birdgirl’, on 19 January, for a virtual talk on Teams about the importance of diversity in access t…
Covid-19 Hardship Appeal
To support disadvantaged pupils and their families who are struggling as a result of the pandemic and the new lockdown, Christ’s Hospital has launched a Covid-19 Hardship Appeal. Pupils are once ag…
Theatre Refurb Complete!
Christ’s Hospital theatre is ready to welcome the public again (as soon as allowed) after an extensive refurbishment to update the space for today’s audiences. The theatre, originally created by r…
CH Covid-19 Story
It’s been a difficult year for everyone but we wanted to tell the first part of our CH Covid story with some of the positive moments of 2020.
CH Theatre 45th Anniversary
This December 2020 marks the 45th Anniversary of the official opening of Christ’s Hospital’s theatre. During the cold winter of 1975, the School welcomed HRH Princess Alice, Duchess of …
Christmas Big Band Tracks
Christ’s Hospital Music Department presents two Big Band numbers recorded this term in our Music Technology Studio. We are very proud of these performances by our senior pupils, and hope you enjoy t…
School Concert – 2020
Throughout lockdown and into this term, we have enjoyed a number of ‘virtual’ concerts featuring our talented pupils across the age range as soloists. This term, we have heard our various choirs (…
Senior Music Scholars Concert
In the Michaelmas term there would normally be a concert given by the DG (Year 12) and GR (Year 13) Music Scholars which, for obvious reasons, hasn’t happened this term. However, they have all reco…
Stephen Spender Prize
Continuing CH’s remarkable string of successes in The Stephen Spender Prize – a national poetry translation competition sponsored by the Guardian – Hannah (UF/Year 10) has this year won the juni…
St Matthew’s Day 2020
It will come as no surprise that this year’s St. Matthew’s Day celebrations were a bit different to usual. Senior pupils and the Band marched not through the streets of London into Guildhall, as they…
Visiting Speaker: Daze Aghaji
Last week, we were fortunate enough to have Daze Aghaji in another successful instalment of the Ridley Lectures series. Her lecture was entitled: ‘Climate, women’s rights & racial justice: all…
School House Feature
Christ’s Hospital features in the Scholarships and Bursaries edition of School House magazine, both on the front cover and in the cover story.
Goodbye Mr. West
At the end of term we bade farewell to one of our most highly respected and longest serving members of staff, Mr. Adrian West, who has taught piano at CH since September 1986.
“A Humument” Art Project
The Deputy Grecians (Year 12) took inspiration from “A Humument” by the artist Tom Phillips, who altered every page of an old Victorian book in 1966. The students transformed pages of a second-han…
A Spanish Gem
James (GR/Year 13) wrote an excellent news chronicle in response to a class task. The article talks about how impactful it was to read the hotel’s disclaimer right after having booked a family holid…
The Blue – Out Now!
The Blue encapsulates a year in the life of Christ’s Hospital – and let’s face it, this has been a year like no other! Read all about it here:
Tatler Schools Guide Review
Christ’s Hospital is delighted to be featured in the Tatler Schools Guide 2021. To read the review, please follow this link:
Forestry Work
On Field Day, a group of thirty students and staff worked to clear and conserve Bede’s…
Rail Safety Posters
Back in February, a Rail Safety themed art workshop was held for Year 5 pupils in the Art Department at Christ’s Hospital, in conjunction with Sussex Community Rail. The visiting Year 5 pupils creat…
‘Missing’ Section of Downs Link Restored
Representatives from West Sussex County Council and Christ’s Hospital School gathered on Friday 11th September for a photo shoot to mark the opening of a previously disused section of the…
A Level/Pre-U Results
26 August 2020 Update – A Level/Pre-U Results for Christ’s Hospital Pupils – Summer 2020
Pupil’s artwork selected by Tate
Pupil Ellen Warner (going into DG/Year 12) has had her work selected in the Tate Collective Collection 2.0 and as a result, her artwork is being exhibited on billboards around London. The Tate invite…
Lottie (GR/Year 13) speaking on Radio 4
Did you hear Lottie (GR/Year 13) speaking on BBC Radio 4 on Saturday 22 August? Lottie spoke on ‘Any Answers’ about the opportunity that the cancellation of exams gave h…
GCSE Results After a difficult and different end to the academic year with the unprecedented cancellation of exams, pupils and
A Level Results 2020
A Level Results With some notable exceptions, the grades published today were broadly reflective of the strong historical results achieved by the School. It is regrettable that t…
Interview with the Band Captain
When did you start at CH and why did you choose to come? What was it like coming here and what were your impressions compared to life before CH? The idea of CH as a potential school…
Interview with the Second Monitor
When did you start at CH? What was it like coming here and what were your impressions compared to life before CH? How did you adapt? In 2018, I had reached a point in my life, where …
‘At Home’ Photography Competitions 2020
‘At Home’ Photography Competitions 2020 24 June 2020 – Congratulations to the winners of the ‘Food, Glorious Food’ competition, as selected by Miss Azancot.
Despite the unprecedented situation in which all IB examinations globally were cancelled, July still saw the IB pupils at Christ’s Hospital gain an impressive set of results. With 57% of the pupils g…
Lunchtime Concert 23 June 2020
We are delighted to still be able to bring you virtual versions of our usual Lunchtime Concerts, which would normally take place on Tuesdays at 1.30 pm.
Lunchtime Concert 30 June 2020
Please find the link below to this week’s lunchtime concert. 11 fantastic performances this week! Our performers today are: Ella, UF – Pink Panther by Mancini Ruth, DG – Cantilena by Poulenc Joa…
Statement from the Treasurer – Christopher Steane
STATEMENT FROM THE TREASURER , CHRISTOPHER STEANE The Council of Christ’s Hospital shares the desire of Old …
Lunchtime Concert – 16 June 2020
We are delighted to still be able to bring you virtual versions of our usual Lunchtime Concerts, which would normally take place on Tuesdays at 1.30 pm. This week, the pupils performing are: Ruth, D…
Poetry Translation Competition – 2020
Lockdown notwithstanding, senior CH pupils were able to travel the world of languages, just before half term, when the senior poetry translation competition was (virtually) adjudicated in a seminar he…
Christ’s Hospital’s record of success in the national Poetry By Heart competition continued when Chara (GE/Year 11) was declared the winner of the West Sussex competition in the KS4 category. Cha…
CH Pianists Unite
Christ’s Hospital keyboard department have been working hard to bring you a performance of Bach’s well known C major prelude. How many pianists can you count? [video width=”720″ height=”480″ mp4…
Speech Day 2020
Unusual times call for extraordinary measures and, for the first time in the history of Christ’s Hospital, we celebrated Speech Day in a virtual format. As always, there was a Chapel Service, speech…
Essay Competition Winner
A pupil from Christ’s Hospital has been awarded first prize in a prestigious Oxford University essay competition. Andrew, who is in DG/Year 12, penned the winning entry for the Philosophy category i…
Eco Rangers’ Clothes Sale
On Sunday 1 March, Christ’s Hospital Eco Rangers hosted a second hand clothes sale, organised by the Rangers alongside Bags of Support and Sussex Green Living. There was a huge turnout of students …
Rear Admiral Entwisle Visit
On Thursday 5th March, we were delighted to welcome Rear Admiral William Entwisle OBE to Christ’s Hospital to present to CCF RN and RAF cadets. In 34 years in the Royal Navy, Rear Admiral…
Piano Workshop
On Sunday 1 March, we welcomed renowned pianist, chamber musician and teacher, Carole Presland who came to give a talk and workshop for our piano pupils. She inspired us all to confront stage fright …
English Chamber Orchestra Workshop – 2020
One of the highlights of the musical calendar is the annual workshop with our professional orchestra-in-partnership, the English Chamber Orchestra. On 27th February, six players from the ECO came to C…
St Catherine’s Hospice Young Enterprise Project 2020
This term, six Year 10 (UF) Christ’s Hospital pupils, are helping St Catherine’s Hospice raise money by taking part in their Young Enterprise Project. All the money raised by the CH pupils will g…
Poetry By Heart Competition
CH celebrated the return of the national Poetry By Heart contest with a fiercely contested competition. In the Key Stage 4 contest Taylor (UF/Year 10) was runner-up, just edged out by Chara (GE/Year …
Pupil Mental Health Conference
The Christ’s Hospital Mental Health and Wellbeing Conference, on Thursday 13 February, was a resounding success with over 150 delegates participating. The weather did its very best to disrupt the o…
Valentine’s Jazz Night
Valentine’s Day is a day like no other at Christ’s Hospital. Pupils swap Housey for civvies, and a jazz trio gently accompanies a lunch of largely pink food (deliberately so, not because it’s un…
CCF Naval Cadet Museum Session
The Christ’s Hospital museum welcomed 14 naval CCF cadets on 13 February for a learning session about the illustrious history of CH’s Royal Mathematical School. Starting in Dining Hall, they lear…
Alzheimer’s Society Visit
On Tuesday 4th February CH Medical Society members welcomed Alzheimer’s Society Horsham Rusty Brains members to CH to learn more about the groups of progressive neurological diseases that…
Fives Regional Schools’ Championships
The South-East Regional Schools’ Championships took place at Tonbridge School this year. Slightly sweating courts at 10.30 am soon dried and a full day of Fives followed in some glorious early spr…
Talk: Free Speech in the Digital Age
On 4 February, Dr Nigel Warburton came to address Philosophy students on ‘Free speech in the digital age’. Dr Warburton is the author of many popular books on philosophy, including the Oxford Ver…
Mandarin Speaking Competition
Having previously been successful in the regional heats before Christmas, pupils from CH took part in the final of the National British Council Mandarin Speaking Competition on 5 February. 285 stud…
Old Blue Networking Event
On Friday 7 February, the Careers Department held an Old Blue Networking Event for Deputy Grecians/Year 12s. This event was designed to give pupils the opportunity to meet and mingle with a wide rang…
Derek Owusu Lecture
On Monday 24 February, CH welcomed Derek Owusu, author of That Reminds Me and editor of
Pupil-led Mental Health Conference
Christ’s Hospital’s 19 Monitors (prefects) are holding the School’s first ever pupil-led Conference on the topic of Mental Health and Wellbeing, on Thursday 13th February 2020. Read mo…
Paul Cleal Visit
On 28 January, Christ’s Hospital was delighted to welcome Paul Cleal, who was a Member of the Social Mobility Commission from 2012-2016. Paul spent time with the African Caribbean Society, speaking …
Spanish Debating Competition
On Monday 27 January, two Grecian (Year 13) pupils, Andre and Gus, attended the National Spanish Debating Competition in Hammersmith. The…
Ex-Band Member Inspires Pupils
On Friday 24 January, Christ’s Hospital invited Jamie Catto, a founding member of the band Faithless and leader of personal development workshops, to talk to pupils in a lecture entitled ‘Real is …
Public Speaking Competition
On Thursday 23 January, six Christ’s Hospital pupils took part in the English-Speaking Union Public Speaking Competition, which is the largest such contest in England and Wales, with around 400 team…
Medical Society Cadaver Prosection Trip
The DG (Year 12) Medical Society members went on the annual cadaver prosection trip on Monday 20 January to Leaf Hospital, which is part of Brighton University’s campus in Eastbourne, and as usual, …
Classics Troy Exhibition Trip
On the 22 of January, a group of senior Classics students visited the British Museum exhibition ‘Troy: Myth and Reality’. The Trojan war and its aftermath – Odysseus’ journey homeward, and Ae…
Pupils Celebrate Oxbridge Success
Nine Christ’s Hospital pupils are celebrating news of their university offers from Oxford and Cambridge, following a gruelling application process. The successful students come from a diverse range …
History Lecture
On the 16th January, the History department hosted principle lecturer in History Dr Sean Lang from…
1st XI Football Pre-Season
The 1st XI Football team returned three days before the start of term to have valuable time establ…
Local company sponsor lunch
On Thursday 5 December over 70 elderly and disabled people from the local area, were welcomed to Christ’s Hospital by staff and pupils, to enjoy a traditional Christmas lunch sponsored by J.K. Leech…
Raleigh 2019 Lecture
A group of five Deputy Grecian (Year 12) pupils attended the 2019 Raleigh Lecture, organised by the Guild of Entrepreneurs at Draper’s Hall in the City of London. The afternoon began with a series …
Celebrating Giving Tuesday
Giving Tuesday is a global day dedicated to giving back, on 3rd December 2019. It is a day to come together for one common purpose –…
The School Concert
The School Concert is the only concert in the year where all of our major instrumental ensembles share a stage, the culmination of the work done throughout the Michaelmas Term. The Symphony O…
MUN Conference
On Saturday 16th November, Christ’s Hospital held their annual Advanced Debate Model United Nations (CHADMUN) conference. Pupils from Christ’s Hospital went up against delegates from Wycombe Abbey, …
Tony Ray-Jones Photography Competition
This year’s Tony Ray-Jones Photography Competition had a theme of ‘Structure’ and had 170 entries. The guest judge, Edward Denison (Architectural Historian, Associate Professor at the Bartlett S…
China Exchange Speaker
On Monday 18 November, we welcomed Freya Aitken-Turff, the CEO of China Exchange, to give a talk on the subject of ‘Mandarin Segments – Bite-sized ways to understand what learning Chinese can do f…
Gifted Scientists Event
On the 12 November, Christ’s Hospital played host to local schools for a Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths event. Thirty students from Tanbridge House, Millais and Forest schools came to ta…
Poetry Translation Competition – 2019
CH’s cosmopolitan students have once again taken the honours in the national competition for poetry translation, the Stephen Spender Prize. A remarkable three pupils had their work rewarded in this …
Senior Music Recital
The music recital on 13 November 2019 was an impressive showcase of the musical talent we have at the top end of the school. Every aspect pointed to a professional standard of musicianship: from the t…
Remembrance Sunday – 2019
Pupils and staff at Christ’s Hospital held an atmospheric Remembrance Day ceremony, on Sunday 10 November. The day began with a special Remembrance Service in the School’s Chapel, after which all …
Lord Mayor’s Show 2019
The Christ’s Hospital Band made its 38th appearance at the Lord Mayor’s Show on Saturday, November 9th, reaffirming the School’s historic connections with the City of London. The performance by…
Baroness R. Deech Lecture – Review
On Friday the 8 November, Old Blue Baroness Ruth Deech came to Christ’s Hospital to…
History of Art Trip
Deputy Grecians (Year 12) went on a History of Art trip to the British Museum, on Friday 8 November.
Careers in Law Event
Christ’s Hospital was delighted to link with the University of Law, and offer a ‘Car…
Save the Date for Giving Tuesday: 3 December 2019
For the fourth year, Christ’s Hospital will be participating in Giving Tuesday – a Global Day of giving back. On Tuesday 3rd December, you’ll hav…
Peer Mentor Training
This term, over a hundred Deputy Grecians (Year 12 pupils) completed an intensive Pee…
Careers in Engineering
We were delighted that Jack Ferrell returned to Christ Hospital School to lead a talk on…
Declaring War on Plastic
Christ’s Hospital has stopped giving out single use plastic bottles to pupils and has instead invested…
CCF Navy Afloat Training
The CCF went out on Field Day to put into practice some of the navigation and rope work …
Career in Law Inspiration
On Friday 11 October, we were delighted to welcome Sir David Green QC to speak to students interested in a career in Law.
Senior Music Scholars’ Recital
The first pupil recital of the academic year, on Tuesday 9 October 2019, proved to be an impressive exposition of the talent at the top end of the school. Max (DG), fresh from success at…
Touch Rugby Selection
Kensie is new to Christ’s Hospital, having just started in the Sixth Form as a Deputy Grecian; even though there are a lot of new sports f…
CH Community Show 2019
On Friday 4 October, members of the Christ’s Hospital community came together to perform in ‘Name That Tune,’ including a range of songs and scenes in Big School, the large centre-piece building at …
Talk: Careers in Aviation
On Thursday 3 October, pupils attended a talk on ‘Careers in Aviation’. Many who attended were interested in becoming a pilot, although the talk included working in engineering and in cabin crew….
Hockey Success for CH Pupil
Grecian (Year 13) pupil Solly has had a fantastic year in Hockey, having been selected for the England Hockey Development Programme. …
CV Clinic
On the evening of 4 October, Deputy Grecians (Year 12s) were invited to participate in our annual CV Clinic. Students sat with visiting professionals (and some members of the CH administrative team!)…
Robert Verkaik ‘Posh Boys’ Lecture
Christ’s Hospital warmly welcomed Robert Verkaik to the School on 1 October to give a talk to senior pupils and staff. Robert is an author and journalist specialising in education. He writes for …
OB Speaks at Lord Mayor’s Election
Former Christ’s Hospital pupil (Old Blue) Onyinye Udokporo made an inspirational speech at the election ceremony for the new Lord Mayor of the City of London, on Wednesday 2 October, to an audience …
UCAS Parent & Pupil Event
On Sunday 29 September, Grecians (Year 13) and parents attended a keynote address led by Mr Martin Birchall on ‘UCAS and Beyond’. Martin Birchall is the founder and Managing Director of High Flier…
Holocaust Lecture
On Monday 23 September, Holocaust survivor Hannah Lewis MBE visited to talk to senior school historians. This visit was a follow up from DG (Year 12…
STEM Event for Gifted Scientists
In September this year, a team of Christ’s Hospital students were invited to join the Horsham secondary schools (Millais, Tanbridge and Fore…
Careers in Healthcare Talk
Christ’s Hospital were delighted to host the first careers talk of the term. Sara Vaughan from Cardiff University led a brilliant presentation on …
St Matthew’s Day 2019
City workers had their daily routine shaken up on Friday 20 September when the streets b…
Camp Hawkeye
Camp Hawkeye brings together all types of people from many different backgrounds and f…
Experience of a Lifetime
One CH pupil will be especially keen for England to do well in the Rugby World Cup which begins in Japan today. George a Year 8 pupil at Christ’s Hospital recently experienced a day at Twickenham that…
Bright Futures Fundraising Campaign Launches
Christ’s Hospital has launched an exciting new fundraising campaign to raise £1.5 million to support 18 more bursary places for disadvantaged young people by September 2021. The “Bright Futures…
Space Camp
This summer, aspiring astronaut Lena (GR / Year 13) was lucky enough to spend six days of her holiday at the NASA Advanced Space Academy, in Huntsville, Alabama. Space Camp has been running since 198…
Staff & Pupil Debate
No sooner had term begun, than the Debating Society held their first debate, on Friday 6 September. The motion was ‘Social media has made traditional media obsolete.’ Mr Hatton and Grecian (Year 13) …
Lennox Joins Harlequins Academy
While most 18-year-olds were enjoying a well-earned rest over the summer holidays, Christ’s Hospital pupil Lennox Anyanwu was instead training hard, following the exciting announcement that he has j…
Excellent (I)GCSE Results
Pupils and staff at Christ’s Hospital are celebrating another excellent set of (I)GCSE results. This is another year in which an impressive 37% of all grades achieved were equivalent to an A*, with …
Excellent A Level Results
Christ’s Hospital pupils and their teachers are celebrating another year of impressive A level results. Overall 11% of all Pre-U and A Level grades achieved were equivalent to an A* with 61% of gra…
Interview with a Leaving Grecian: Marv
“I went to primary school in Peckham in south-east London. I remember the first time I heard about Christ’s Hospital. I was at a Christmas party organised by the church-based football team I playe…
Interview with a Leaving Grecian: Eugene
Eugene is a Year 13/Grecian who has been a Monitor (prefect) in his final year and a boarder for the full seven years of his secondary education at Christ’s Hospital. Here, he talks about his time a…
Cultivating Creativity at Christ’s Hospital
Annabella has recently finished her final year at Christ’s Hospital. Throughout her time at School, Annabella cultivated her creativity through music and the arts. In fa…
Interview with a Leaving Grecian: Annabella
Annabella is one of our leaving Grecians (Year 13) – she has been a Monitor (prefect), Band Captain and is a very talented artist. Here, she talks about her time at CH: “I was inspired to play th…
1st XI Cricketers Equal School Record
The Christ’s Hospital 1st XI cricketers had a tremendous start to the 2019 season winning six of their first seven matches, then during the pressure month of public exams the 1st
RAF Cadet Camp
On July 6th, CCF RAF cadets from Christ’s Hospital, attended RAF summer camp at RNAS Inskip. The cadets left school on Saturday afternoon, just after the beating retreat. It was a long j…
IB Results – 2019
July saw the IB pupils at Christ’s Hospital gain a strong set of results, with 50% of the pupils gaining 34 points or more out of maximum of 45. 16% of all grades awarded were at Level 7, and just u…
Mandarin Trip
A group of Third Form pupils, who are in their first year of learning Mandarin, had a great opportunity this term to learn about Chinese history and culture during a trip to the British Museum and Chi…
Christopher Nicholson Prize 2019
What a cosmopolitan bunch Christ’s Hospital pupils are – at least if their contributions to the CH Poetry In Translation Project 2019 are anything to go by! Senior pupils went head to head in an at…
LE/Year 9 Spanish Trip to Europa Centre
On June 5th, thirty Spanish LE/Year 9 students were invited to go to Europa Centre in the heart of Upminster (London), to enjoy a one-day immersion trip. Europa Centre is the UK’s only Eur…
Junior Debating Competition
This half term, we have been running our Junior Debating competition; all the debaters from the debating active took part in the final of the competition. In the first round of the final, our topics …
Chamber Music Concert
The major ensembles on which CH prides itself – the Band, Chapel Choir, and Symphony Orchestra particularly – are often on show; Sunday 23rd June was a time for the smaller groups to have their mo…
Careers Speed Dating
On Tuesday 25th June, we held our fourth annual GE (Year 11) Careers Speed Dating event. The morning began with a keynote address from Julia Immonen. Julia founded Sport for Freedom, a cha…
Review: Midsummer Night’s Dream
An outdoor, abridged version of one of Shakespeare’s classic plays, performed by our UF and LE year groups (Year 9/10) on 6th, 7th and 8th June. This was the first…
Careers Tea: A Career in Design
On Thursday 6th June, Emily Browne, Designer-in-Residence, gave a fantastic Careers talk to a range of students from UF/Year 10 and above who are interested in pursuing Design or a relate…
Visit to Oxford University
Some of Christ’s Hospital’s most talented singers visited Oxford yesterday to find out about life as a choral scholar. The group of DG/Year 12 pupils visited The Queen’s College, where they met …
Star-studded theatre debut for CH pupil
12-year-old Ruari Finnegan, a Second Form/Year 7 pupil at Christ’s Hospital, has landed a starring role in the award-winning play Shadowlands at Chichester Fe…
Community Speedwatch Group
Christ’s Hospital village now has a Community Speedwatch Group. Their activities in the locality around the School boundary will help reduce the risk of potential injury from vehicles to our pupils …
Careers Networking Event – 2019
On Tuesday 21st May, a special careers’ networking event was held at Christ’s Hospital School, giving students from CH and Roedean School a unique opportunity to make valuable connecti…
Speech Day 2019
Speech Day is a long-standing tradition at Christ’s Hospital and has been held in the Summer term since 1871; this year’s Speech Day was held on Saturday 25 May and the School welcomed the Lord Ma…
Junior Music Scholars’ Recital
The Hertford Centre became, for the first time, a concert venue for the Junior Music Scholars’ Recital. This is one of my favourite concerts in the annual cycle: a chance for our youngest musicians …
Visit to Creative Assembly
Last Wednesday, a group of 10 Deputy Grecians (Year 12s) visited the offices and studio of local video game company, Creative Assembly, in Horsham. Creative Assembly are an award-winning video game s…
Sheriff’s Challenge 2019
Christ’s Hospital was one of a select number of schools to be invited to participate in the 2019 Sheriffs’ Challenge, an inter-school, two-round competition. Participating schools were asked to co…
CCF Visit from Brigadier Mark Christie
On Thursday 25 April 2019, Christ’s Hospital’s was lucky enough to receive a visit from Brigadier Mark Christie, Deputy Commander, Cadets, Regional Command. He attended a buffet lunch with staff …
Connie picks up silver medal at Music and Arts Festival
Last weekend Constance (GE/Year 11) took part in the highly competitive East Grinstead Music and Arts Festival. With her recitation of Eric Finney’s ‘Finding Magic’, Constance received 2nd pla…
Drama Scholars’ Performance
To kick start the Summer Term, Drama Teacher Caroline Kelley directed the CH Drama scholars in a brilliant evening of theatre and song to celebrate the work of playwright Willy Russell. The evening …
National Girls Fives Championships
For this year’s National Girls Fives Championships at Malborough College, five CH players entered into both singles and doubles in the U12/13/16 categories. Rachel (02 Form/Year 7) represented our U…
Kitcher Society, 7 May 2019: What is good education?
A panel comprising Mrs. Fleming, Mr. Perriss, and Mr. Hatton, and chaired by Mr Stannard, discussed the nature of good education, concurring that education’s main purpose is to develop the individual,…
Theatre Design Seminar
On Friday 3 May, GCSE Drama pupils were treated to a fantastic Theatre Design Seminar with two Old Blues currently working in the business. Georgia Koronka (Thorn B, Gr W 09-16) and Phil Glenny (Peele…
British Biology Olympiad 2019
Well done to all of the pupils who took part in the British Biology Olympiad on Monday 4th Feb. The British Biology Olympiad is a national competition run by the Royal Society of Biology….
House Speech and Drama 2019
At the end of the Lent Term, the House Speech and Drama competition took place in the Christ’s Hospital theatre under the adjudication of Director of Drama from ‘The Worth School’, Natalie Lynch…
Field day trip to Whale Island
On Lent Field Day, the CCF Royal Navy section went to Whale Island, Portsmouth to conduct some afloat training. The 20 cadets were split across three yachts, with five each on Amarylis and Cornish Air…