OF THE YEAR 2024/25



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Award winning boarding and day school for students aged 11-18

A Christ’s Hospital student’s experience goes far beyond academic progress. Our holistic education centres on developing talent and fulfilment in a wide range of broader activities from music to theatre, from sport, art, and community service to outdoor pursuits. All areas of our vibrant curriculum aim to build a real sense of achievement, resilience, perseverance, compassion, willing service, social skills and empathy. These attributes form the pillar-strength principles of the Christ’s Hospital education.

It is the mission of Christ’s Hospital to enable those from all corners of society to come together and thrive. Social mobility matters hugely to society’s success and we aim to empower all our students to succeed.

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Student and staff interviews


Christ’s Hospital provides a nurturing, transformative education for young people from all backgrounds. Hear from students and staff on their own, unique journeys at Christ’s Hospital.