Where transformation
meets tradition

Offering you a world of opportunities

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Boarding and day school for students aged 11-18

Christ’s Hospital is widely known in the UK for its outstanding education principle and its diverse breadth of students. It is the mission of Christ’s Hospital to continue to enable those from all corners of society to come together and thrive regardless of their background.

Head Teacher’s welcome

“My vision for Christ’s Hospital is for it to continue to challenge disadvantage through transformative education.”
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Student and staff interviews

Christ’s Hospital provides a nurturing, transformative education for young people from all backgrounds. Hear from students and staff on their own, unique journeys at Christ’s Hospital.

Order our prospectus

Our School Prospectus provides an introduction to life at Christ’s Hospital. You can request a printed copy which includes an application form by completing the form and/or you can download a pdf of the prospectus.