Friday 21st May 2021

Mock Trial




We were delighted to invite Lawyer Portal to work with us on a mock trial and debate on 19 May.

The event was hosted by future pupil barrister Tommy Seagull and was attended online by over 30 LE and UF pupils (Year 9 and 10). Pupils were sent the court case in advance and were assigned roles in either the prosecution, defence, or jury. Tommy guided pupils through the English law system and explained the procedures they were about to experience first-hand. Pupils then began a legal trial, ending up sentencing the offender as guilty of grievous bodily harm and resisting arrest.  Pupils said ‘they enjoyed learning the structures and routines of a trial’, and the experience ‘helped boost their enthusiasm to explore the world of law’. One UF pupil said, ‘it opened their eyes to the skills required to be a barrister’ and another commented that ‘it gave them a helpful insight into court and its proceedings’.

Many thanks to the careers’ department for arranging this event.  We look forward to working with Lawyer Portal again in the future! For more info, visit their website