Wednesday 31st May 2023

Young Reporter Scheme Winner!




UF (Year 10) pupil Carys (pictured in the centre) was chosen as one of the winners for the Young Reporter Scheme 2023, while Esther (right) and Lara (left), also from the UF, were selected as UK finalists!

Fifteen CH pupils took part in the exciting Young Reporter Scheme, run in partnership with Newsquest Media Group. This online work experience scheme gave the students an opportunity to write for a real live online newspaper over the course of eight months, with students writing one article per month, on subjects of their choice.

At the end of the scheme students were judged on the articles they submitted throughout the year. A spokesperson from The Young Reporter Scheme said: ‘A huge congratulations to those who made it this far, as it has been a tough competition and the judging has been harsh, so you should all be proud of yourselves.’

As a result of her success, Carys attended a fun university day on 20 May at Kingston University, which is one of the top recognised universities for journalism in the country. Alongside the other winners, Carys spent the day working in a newsroom, editing and choosing articles to go on the various pages of a newspaper, working on the layout, typesetting, learning InDesign software and understanding what it is like to work as a team with other people.

Well done to all our students who took part in this scheme, as it is a fantastic way to showcase their published work and build up a portfolio to use with UCAS applications and to put on their CV.