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Over the weekend of 15 to 17 March, 16 senior students travelled to Haileybury College for the biggest annual MUN conference in the UK.
For most, this was their first taste of such an event, and they had prepared carefully over several weeks. Representing Bulgaria, the Dominican Republic, Mongolia and Venezuela, the CH students were allocated to a range of different committees and spent two days in intensive debate on issues of global significance, the overall theme being ‘collaboration in a polarised world’. As always, they threw themselves into this challenge wholeheartedly and made sure their voices were heard.
By the end of a successful and enjoyable conference, the statistics showed that CH students had submitted 14 resolutions and 51 amendments; they had made 33 speeches and asked for 135 points of information. Their industry and perseverance were recognised with six awards:
Corinne (GR/Year 13), Lizzie (GE/Year 11), Grace (GE/Year 11), and Angus (DG/Year 12) were highly commended delegates in their respective committees; Sienna (DG/Year 12) and Ruth (GE/Year 11), were distinguished delegates for theirs.
It was another memorable MUN trip and all students should be commended for their hard work and exemplary behaviour.