Tuesday 27th Sep 2022

Richard Poulton, former Headmaster




Richard Poulton, Headmaster of Christ’s Hospital – January 1987 to August 1996.

After a downturn in his health over the summer months, former Headmaster Richard Poulton died
peacefully on Friday 23 September 2022.

We extend our condolences to Richard’s wife, Sally, his children, grandchildren, his wider family and

The funeral service for Richard Poulton will take place on 31st October 2022, at 2pm in Chichester Cathedral, West Sussex, PO19 1PX. There will be family flowers but, if you wish, donations can be made to the Head Master’s Discretionary Fund, Christs’ Hospital, c/o Reynolds Funerals, Chichester, tel: 01243 773311.

Peter Allwood is arranging a choir to sing at the funeral. If there are any Old Blues that would like sing, please contact him directly for further details at peterallwood53@gmail.com