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Weekly Concert
Weekly Concert
A concert takes place at Christ’s Hospital once a week on a Thursday during term time from 2.00pm – 2.30pm. These concerts give our students the opportunity to present a short music recital to a small audience.
Admission is free to Friends of CH Arts and CH parents and light refreshments are provided, for a small donation, from 1.30pm.
Further information including dates of this terms concerts can be found via the box office, please contact them Christ’s Hospital Box Office.
Christ’s Hospital has, since the appointment of its first full time Music Master in the sixteenth century, recognised the importance of music in a pupil’s education, and continued throughout 400 years to make resources available to ensure that music is an integral part of the School’s day to day life.
The Music Departments aim and ambition is to develop the skills, creative powers and musical awareness to enable the students, as individuals, for adult life with an appreciation and love of music, the incentive for further artistic development, and the foundation for continuing practical musical involvement whether as an amateur or professional.
The Department is organised around a central belief that its priority must be to develop the full musical potential of each individual so that he or she can leave the School equipped to pursue his or her musical interests in whatever form that might take. Every lesson to an individual or class; every rehearsal of an ensemble, orchestra, band or choir; every concert, performance, event or activity must be approached in the certain knowledge that it is helping to inspire each of the young musicians involved to raise their musical expectations and standards and to develop their musical ability.